Ghar Ek Mandir 9th December 2021 Written Story:

Genda says to Varun, she should deal with house and shop, Varun says you unwind and return home, I will oversee here, Genda says I will return soon.

Genda attempts to get auto, Siddhant calls her, Genda gets in auto, Siddhant asks her when is she coming to finish her subsequent condition, she needs to go to his home 2 hr day by day without illuminating anybody. Genda says how might she, Siddhant says he couldn’t care less and she needs to go to his place immediately.

Nisha smells the doused garments and they smelling in light of the fact that Nisha has added onion squeeze to it, to inconvenience Genda.
Father asks Siddhant will Genda come, Siddhant says she should, I have made game plans for herself and assuming she doesn’t come she should follow through on substantial cost.

Nisha picks saree to spruce up in show Genda will confront. Shivam goes to her and says mummy wash Dadi and Dadu’s garments they are smelling. Nisha says for what reason will your mother accomplish practically everything, go review. Shivam leaves, Nisha wishes Genda doesn’t return home soon.

Genda shows up at Siddhant’s home.

Nisha gets dressed and says Genda will see today she can’t deal with shop or house. Entryway chime rings, Nisha trusts its not Genda with the goal that her arrangement doesn’t come up short.

Also read: Ghar Ek Mandir 8th December 2021 Written Story:

Entryway chime rings at Siddhant’s home, he goes open entryway trusting its Genda.

Siddhant opens entryway and sees Genda, he grins at her and invites her inside, Siddhant says glad to see a defenseless ladies like you. Genda says rapidly let me know what you need. Genda gets call from Nisha and says to Siddhant, I have parcel of work to do, let me know what you need, Siddhant says I heard you like beautifying things and love to cook. Genda says as much, Siddhant says when Agarwal’s and children will be done and tidied and SS Creations will toss an incredible great festival for my shopping center and welcome many Vip’s, famous people and I need you to sort out the party, the party for my prosperity, you will have no associate or no caterer since you will prepare all the food without anyone else.

Genda says I will coordinate a party and your visitors will not fail to remember this is on the grounds that it wilo be festivity for my prosperity, and you lost to this vulnerable lady thus it will be a great party. Siddhant says let time conclude that however lets start today for party and you will cook one dish day by day and I will pass judgment on it, menu is now settled, Siddhant’s secretary hands Genda menu, Siddhant says lets start with my fav dessert Gajar halwa. Genda thinks she needs to oversee shop and Nisha continues to call as well, Genda asks is this some joke Siddhant thus numerous carrot, Siddhant says its a test don’t convolute it, as are you.

Nisha sees Dhobi, Nisha blows up and thinks this Genda is so shrewd she sent a dhobi, Dhobi asks Nisha for garments, Nisha says I have tea on gas I will come soon and goes to kitchen and says I won’t allow Genda to win, I need to accomplish something and goes to Kundan’s room and requests that he come out, she has made him tea, Kundan says I don’t feel like, get it here, Nisha figures let me do it Genda way and says Papaji come sit with everybody, you will feel much improved, even Manish is hanging tight for you, Kundan says alright.

Genda begins grinding carrot.

Kundan strolls to Manish outside, Nisha gets tea and figures the reason why hasn’t Kundan responded checking out dhobi, and gives Kundan tea, Nisha goes give one cup to dhobi, Kundan asks who is he, Nisha says he is here to wash garments, Kundan says Nisha I gave you obligation of this house, you realize we take care of business all alone, Nisha asks dhobi to leave, and says Papaji I regard all guidelines here and I didn’t call him, Genda did.

Kundan blows up, Nisha says she needs to oversee house and shop, helpless thing, Kundan says let her go shop yet she has some obligation, I will wash these garments assuming that she can’t, and do tell her Nisha, in case I don’t see these garments washed by tomorrow, I will wash them and just Genda needs to wash them and leaves. Manish says this Genda continues to destroy thinks. Nisha thinks this was such a lot of fun, Genda will not have the option to give Papaji garments tomorrow and afterward Papaji will step in and afterward it wilp be huge dramatization.

Genda plans halwa, Genda gets call from Varun, she doesn’t get call figuring what will she tell Varun.

Precap :Siddhant tastes halwa and says it’s yuk.Varun calls Nisha to associate with Genda. Nisha says she isn’t here. Varun gets stressed and believes is Genda concealing something.

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