Ghar Ek Mandir 13th December 2021 Written Story:

Genda washing garments, Varun sees Genda has washed all the garments, Genda asks him for what good reason hasn’t he dozed at this point, Varun says check out you, you haven’t eaten anything, working since morning and why iron now, Genda says to press the garments, and don’t stress I will complete practically everything and eat.

Varun gets Genda food while she presses garments and says eat first and afterward we will do it later, and I will be so glad to take care of you, Genda has food while pressing garments. She consumes her finger, Varun gets stressed for her, Genda says she is fine and proceeds with work. Genda requests that Varun go rest, Varun says I will not without you, you take care of your responsibilities I’m here, Genda says if it’s not too much trouble, rest disliking it.

Genda and Varun snoozing, Varun sees Genda’s legs her tormenting and she isnt ready to rest, Varun rubs her leg, Genda awakens and says don’t do it, disliking it, Varun says I am, I need to deal with you and fulfill you, what else you need. Genda holds Varun’s hand and requests that he embrace her.

Also read: Ghar Ek Mandir 10th December 2021 Written Story:

Varun embraces Genda, and says Genda where will we get gold and complete request, Genda says we are making an honest effort and presently Maharaji will show us our way.

Genda at Maharaji sanctuary, asks and requests to help her, it gets blustery and a leaf gets found out in Genda’s hair, she sees Maharaji’s chatri has part of residue and asks panditji for what valid reason isn’t it cleaned, Panditji says I’m old and can’t spotless it and I wish some lover who thinks often about himself as well as Maharaji as well and will clean it. Genda awakens from her fantasy in tears. Varun awakens and asks Genda what’s going on, Genda says I haven’t cleaned Maharaji’s chatra since I got hitched and I need to clean it, will you accompany me, Varun says OK I will.

Nisha in kitchen trusting that Kundan will come out and chasten Genda. Kundan calls Anuradha and asks where is Genda and Varun, Anuradha says I surmise they left for shop, Manish says doesn’t she have regard for older folks, she left without washing garments, presently what Papa will wash them, Kundan says I will wash them, Anuradha says stop, and shows him garments generally washed and pressed and says Genda informed me prior to leaving that she has washed all garments and she was alert the entire night washed and squeezed them.

Genda and Varun arrive at Maharaji’s sanctuary, Genda opens the entryway and sees some theifs taking Chatra. Genda pulls sack from them however they approach Genda with blade, Genda hits them with pack and says I won’t allow anybody to take the Chatra. Varun says Genda you can’t battle them give the sack, one of them grabs pack and assaults Genda with blade, she falls on ground, in blood. Varun says Genda get up, Genda gets up, her face has blood, Genda sees its equitable kumkum water and bot blood, Varun tosses trishul at her, Genda takes it and hits cheats with it and Varun saves Genda from getting manipulated, one of them attempts to hurt Varun, Genda saves him.

Criminals request that Genda return sack or they will be killed. Genda battles them.

Pandit ji awakens and calls everybody, everybody accumulate, Genda says chatra is fine and Varun saved all of us, Varun says Genda quarreled without thoroughly considering life and her solidarity is mine. Panditji says you are inactive couple, Maharaji consistently has endowments on you. Genda gives chatra back, Panditji says its messed up, Genda says give it I will fix it. Maharaji hands a gold lotus to Genda, Genda inquires as to why, Panditji says you saved this sanctuary and will fix chatra too you will require this gold keep it.

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