Fanaa Ishq Mein Marjawan 5th May 2022 Written Update:

Fanaa Ishq Mein Marjawan 5th May 2022 Written Update on

The episode starts with Bulbul emerging from the vehicle trunk. Bulbul reviews A FB. Bulbul’s mom immovably says that Bulbul shouldn’t go to Gurgaon. Bulbul sees Yug’s vehicle number plate. She feels that Gurgaon is close to Delhi and gets into the vehicle trunk stowing away. A FB closes. Bulbul dazed to see the enormous house. Dadi sees Bulbul and asks what she’s doing. Bulbul says that Dadi is going out. She says that she’s prepared to turn into her girl in regulation.

Dadi says that she has a misconception, she can’t be Pakhi as there are parcel of contrast between them. Bulbul says that her heart liquefied in the wake of seeing her crying so she came. Dadi demands Bulbul to leave. Bulbul stops Dadi and says that she has a dance show following three days in Gurgaon and demands her to give stay access her home for three days as she came running from house since her mom is against her moving. All of a sudden Agastya’s hits Bulbul. Agastya comes to Bulbul and requests to return his ball.

Bulbul pivots. Agastya looks on at Bulbul. Bulbul tells Agastya to take the ball, yet Agastya declines as Meera told him to not acknowledge anything given by outsiders. He expresses her to toss the ball. Dadi believes that Agastya remembered nothing in spite of seeing Pakhi’s carbon copy. Bulbul says that he needs to take it from his hand. Agastya says that he will call his mother and yells. Dadi stops Agastya. Bulbul gives Agastya toffee and says that they will become companions assuming he takes it. Agastya takes it. Bulbul returns him the ball. Agastya joyfully embraces Bulbul and says that they’re dearest companions from now. They join their pinki fingers for a similar Dadi grins seeing this. Agastya leaves.

Bulbul asks Dadi what has been going on with Agastya. Dadi says that his brain become as five years kid. Naveli comes out looking for Dadi and stands stunned on seeing Bulbul. The attendant attempts to persuade Agastya to have his drugs. Meera comes in. Agastya lets Meera know that his new companion gave him toffees and they’re more delectable than her chocolates. He inquires as to whether he can have it. Meera asks who his new companion is. Agastya says that she’s with Dadi beyond the house. He takes Meera to show her.

Dadi explains to Naveli that Bulbul is Pakhi’s copy. Naveli says that she can’t trust this. Bulbul says that she’s more delightful than Pakhi. Naveli says that she can’t be Pakhi as she’s talking like an uneducated which maddens Bulbul. She contends with Naveli. Bulbul then, at that point, demands Dadi to permit her to remain for three days here. The fact that anyone will see Bulbul makes naveli alarmed. All at once they hear Meera coming. Meera asksAgastya where her new companion is. Dadi considers how she got to be aware.

Meera comes to Dadi and Naveli and ask what they’re doing here. They say that they need to tell the truth the storeroom. Meera get some information about the new companion that Agastya is discussing. Dadi expresses that there’s no any companion, she gave him toffee. Agastya says that Dadi is lying. He pushes Meera erroneously and nibbles Dadi’s hand. Meera gets enraged and secures Agastya in the storeroom as discipline for lying. She tells Dadi to not open the entryway until she says and leaves. Agastya cries and demands Meera to open the entryway.

Bulbul emerges from her stowing away. Naveli faults Bulbul for Agastya’s discipline. Bulbul says that Agastya drove her mad. Naveli says that Bulbul won’t remain here. Bulbul takes steps to let Meera know that they lied. Naveli stops Bulbul and says her that she can remain here for an evening. She expresses her to take cover behind the container. Agastya cries and requests to open the entryway. Dadi shares with Agastya to be quiet as it’s a question of an evening, the early daytime all will be well. She’s there. Agastya plunks down crying.

Dadi cries and will not eat when Naveli attempts to take care of her. Bulbul feels terrible seeing this. Bulbul watches Agastya through the window glass. She signs to approach. Agastya obliges. Bulbul apologizes to Agastya. She advises him that she’s her closest companion and requests to pay attention to her and rest. She vows to give him part of toffees morning. She signs him to grin. Agastya wipes his tears and grins. Dadi watches this grinning. Bulbul makes silly faces and Agastya snickers. As Agastya won’t rest, Bulbul says the person who will rest first will get part of toffees. The two of them rest.

Also read: Fanaa Ishq Mein Marjawan 4th May 2022 Written Update

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