Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 17th November 2021 Written Story:

Episode Lakshmi asked Jijabai if they succeeded. Jijabai asked her to pray for accomplishment. Ramji and Anand came and questioned. Jijabai informed that Bhim Roa paid the fee from his form fee, he was waiting for Ramji. Ramji left. Anand said that they couldn’t arrange the money. Lakshmi apologized for her sickness. Anand comforted her.

Bhim Rao tried to convince Ramji that Lakshmi’s life was important than his education. He would sit in examination next year. Ramji was against it, so was Rama. She was ready to sell her jewelry for Bhim Rao’s education. Rama went to get them. Bhim Rao knew how hard it was to get the jewelry back, he wanted Ramji to stop her. Rami refused because he knew Rama won’t stop, just like Bhimabai didn’t use to.

Rama couldn’t find her jewelry. Jijabai had them in her possession. Rama had kept them in her trunk.

The teachers decided to visit Bhim Rao’s home, they worried why he didn’t come to submit the forms. Jijabai sent a guy to misinform the teachers that Bhim Rao was in Satara. Joshi paid the guy, he left.

Also read: Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 16th November 2021 Written Update:

Rama told Bhim Rao about the missing jewelry. She assumed Jijabai or Lakshmi stole them. Bhim Rao stopped her from accusing them without proof. Rama wondered how he would do about the examination. Bhim Rao comforted her, as this delay wouldn’t stop him from attaining education.

Jijabai considered it her accomplishment. Jijabai questioned Bhim Rao, said that Ramji would accuse her and Lakshmi for it. Bhim Rao and Rama were leaving. Rama asked Jijabai about her jewelry. Jijabai questioned, said that she should stay home more. Bhim Rao asked her to leave.

Bhim Roa and Anand worried why Rama hasn’t come yet. They asked Jijabai. Lakshmi said that they might have gone to submit the forms. Jijabai said that the doctors have discharged Lakshmi.

Rama wanted Bhim Rao to ask his teacher for help. Bhim Rao refused as they earn for their families as well. He had accepted the reality about not sitting in this years examination.

Phuilya brought food for Mangesh. The officer questioned her intention, accused her of having an affair with Mangesh and it being a reason why her husband left. Mangesh clarified as he came to the neighborhood after Joku left.

Phuilya didn’t mind the officers question because the man who married her didn’t care for her than would everyone else. She asked if she could give Mangesh the food. The officer allowed. Phuila gave him food, inquired his health. Mangesh asked Phuilya not to bring him food again; didn’t want someone to taunt her. Phuilya didn’t care, said that she would bring him food in future.

Puranjan was discussing that hiring of a good lawyer was necessary to free Mangesh. Jijabai didn’t want people to stay with them to avoid the very situation Mangesh was in. Bhim Rao and Rama came. Ramji asked if he submitted the forms. Meanwhile, Anand came and informed Ramji about court hearing for regarding Mangesh’s case. Bhim Roa and Rama went inside without answering that Ramji’s question.

Jijabai went to put Rama’s jewelry back at their place. Rama was asleep. Bhim Rao saw Jijabai and questioned why she took them. Jijabai didn’t want Bhim Rao to submit his forms. Bhim Rao was Jijabai’s biggest enemy, she didn’t consider her doings to wrong . She would everything in her power to hinder Bhim Rao’s education.

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