Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 16th November 2021 Written Update:

Episode Ramji asked Bhim Rao to understand the delicacy of their situation. Ramji knew someone who used to say that when someone visits the police for sake of justice than it means that law has won. Rama came. Ramji sent Bhim Rao to her. Anand came to Ramji, he had to talk to him.

Rama questioned why Bhim Rao didn’t come home. Asked if he was complaining to Ramji about her. Bhim Rao denied the accusation. Rama had the right to scold him. Bhim Rao asked if they should go home now. Rama wasn’t there to eat. They went home.

Anand informed Ramji that he told Sethji his caste. Ramji was pleased but knew that situation made him did so. Anand had no choice but to lie, his life wasn’t same as Ramji and Bhim Rao’s. Bhim Rao had a wife like Rama. The household prevented him from speaking the truth. Anand questioned the hatred everyone had for them. He questioned his life. Ramji stopped him, said that everyone had the same life. Ramji was alive to answer his questions. For Ramji Anand was his strength.

Rama gave Bhim Rao the money for his forms. Bhim Rao asked her to wait outside, they will enjoy some delights. Jijabai heard their conversation. Rama asked him to focus on his study, perform well in exam. She didn’t want him to be embarrassed in front of the neighbors. Bhim Rao was leaving. Jijabai asked Lakshmi to pretend having a stomachache. Lakshmi did so, Bhim Rao was going to arrange a cart. Daliya amma came in but Jijabai protested to take her to a hospital. Bhim Rao went to get a cart.

The teachers were worried why Bhim Rao hasn’t come to fill the forms, since it was the last date. They decided to submit his forms but couldn’t do so as Bhim Rao’s signatures were necessary.

Also read: Ek Mahanayak Dr. BR Ambedkar 15th November 2021 Written Update

Doctors couldn’t diagnose a serious issue for stomachache. He had a cure for it, asked for 1 and half ana for. Bhim Rao offered to pay, Ramji stopped him. Ramji and Anand would arrange the money. Anand comforted Bhim Rao, asked him to submit the forms. Bhim Rao and Puranjan waited outside. Rama asked Meera to arrange money by selling her jewelry. Meera stopped her, Ramji refused the last time as well.

Joshi came to the neighborhood to inquire about Bhim Rao’s absence. Ramji asked him not to worry as he had gone to submit the forms. Joshi questioned as Bhim Rao should have spent the money to cure his sick sister in law. Anand was alive to take care of her wife. Joshi was there to inquire about Bhim Rao, as he was his enemy. He left afterwards.

Anand pleaded to everyone to save Lakshmi. Hitesh and Daliya amma’s son refused. Daliya had few money, she and Phuilya agreed to contribute. Ramji counted; they needed more money. Joshi came, taunted him for not asking help from those how actually could. Daliya amma said that Hitesh was committing a sin by not helping Ramji. Hitesh had to spent money on himself. Ramji left.

Rama asked Bhim Rao not to worry, Ramji would arrange the money. Bhim Rao said that there was no need for, he was there to pay the bill. Jijabai asked Bhim Rao to pay the bill and submit the forms from the money Ramji would collect. Rama questioned as Ramji forbidden him. Jijabai emotionally convinced Bhim Rao. He agreed to give the money. Jijabai considered it her victory.

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