Choti Sardarni 3rd January 2022 Written Update:

Seher says assuming you don’t adore me I ought to go from here. She leaves. Rajveer stops her. Seher holds him. Rajveer cries. He says I love you. I love you to such an extent. Seher embraces him and cries. Rajveer says pardon me please. Seher says stop it. Seher embraces him. Rajveer says don’t cry please.

I made you cry. I’m grieved. She says it’s my nose. He snickers. Seher wipes his tears. Rajveer takes out their companionship band. He says I protected it. Rajveer makes her wear it. Rajveer says we ought to examine with your family once. Seher says they’re here. Relax.

Sonali asks Rajveer how are you feeling now? He says better. Seher goes out. Harleen embraces Seher. She says would you say you are alright? Kulwant embraces Seher as well. Karan says we were so stressed. We called you so often. What was the deal? Param says how are you feet harmed? Seher says a few thugs seized me.

Kulwant says who set out to contact you. Tell me. Karan says let me know who were they. Param says show me your feet. Kulwant says did Raj do this? Seher says no he saved my life. Kulawnt says where could he be? Param says for what reason would you say you are in medical clinic? Seher says I needed to let you know all something. Seher says whatever Rajveer was doing the battles,

Also read: Choti Sardarni 31st December 2021 Written Update:

dramatization, there was a purpose for it. He would have rather not be a weight on me and we all. There is something occurring in his life that has made a huge difference. Kulwant says Raj.. Karan expresses what? Seher says he’s lost his vision. He can never see. Everybody is stunned.

Kulwant expresses what are you saying? Where could he be? They go in the room. Sonali gives glasses and stick to Rajveer. She says it will help you in the strolling. Rajveer works on strolling around with it. Everybody reviews their minutes with Rajveer. Karan reviews Rajveer saving his life. Sonali says we need to roll out numerous improvements in your day to day existence.

Ensure there are no sharp articles in your room. Karan holds Seher’s hand. Sonali helps Rajveer strolling. Sonali says you want somebody with you around till you are utilized to it. Seher says everybody is here to meet you. Rajveer says all of you can see that I can’t see. He falls. Seher holds him. Rajveer says all that will go according to the arrangement. Seher and I will remain till court’s structure. Seher says again exactly the same thing?

Rajveer says she doesn’t tune in. Rajveer says I know she’s your princess. Would all of you like in the event that your princess needs to carry on one day to the next her like this? Would all of you like on the off chance that assuming Seher’s significant other can’t see and she serves me for her entire life? A man who can’t secure her rather is a weight for her. I realize her joy matters a ton for all of you.

Param and Karan needed an ideal soul mate for her. My life is brimming with dimness. How might I get light her life? She is obstinate. Tell her it’s not really great for her. would it be advisable for her to live rest of her life serving a visually impaired man? For what reason would you say you are generally quiet? Kulwant says OK we need to think a great deal. We have heard truth from you later quite a while. You’re correct. Seher is our princess, she’s our heart. We saw enormous dreams for her.

We need an ideal future for her. We needed a person who could give her all the satisfaction, ensure her, be with her. rajveer says I comprehend. Kulwant says basically you do that. Kulawnt says we can’t see our Seher in torment.

Seher says nani.. You say you comprehend Seher and see her heart. What did she say to me in sign? Rajveer says she said she needs to live with me. Kulwant says OK she cherishes you and needs to be with you. People see no flaws in their loved ones. It sees nothing. Race, wellbeing, anything. that is the reason love is called God.

Karan says each individual is defective. You need to observe somebody who has your heart. Param says you have forever been there for her. Continuously saved her life. Karan says you love her a great deal and she cherishes you as well. Kulwant says our gifts and love are with you both. Seher says would you say you are glad at this point?? This is my family’s choice.

Kulwant says this is your Seher. Her joy is with you. Karan says we are all with you. We love you. Param says we are by and large present for you. HArleen says we realize you love Seher. Yet, this is an ideal opportunity to utilize mind not heart. Kulwant says your psyche works excessively. Our Seher’s satisfaction is with Raj and we will forever keep her glad. She says to Rajveer in the event that you attempt to disappear from Seher’s life I will pull your ears.

Param says for what reason did you conceal it from us? Karan says in the event that you let us know we could accomplish something. Param says we expressed such countless things. I’m heartbroken. Rajveer says no I am heartbroken. I grieved you all to such an extent. I did genuinely terrible things. Kulwant embraces him. They all embrace him.

Precap :Seher says we will all deal with Rajveer. He strolls towards the gallery and is going to fall.

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