Choti Sardarni 15th November 2021 Written Update:

Choti Sardarni 15th November 2021 Seher shouts why? Answer me. Kulwant says the story isn’t over. Let me show another game of hers. She prepared your death warrant. Seher sees Rajveer’s signature on the document. Rajveer reads it. Seher says these are your signature? I would give up my life to save my child but you had to make an agreement? Kulwant says Rajveer for sure didn’t know about it. This Harshdeep did all this.

Police come in to arrest Harshdeep. Seher says here she is. Arrest her. Rajveer stops the police. He says my dida didn’t do anything. I did all this. I was all my plan. Everyone is shocked. rajveer says I kidnapped Kunal and killed him. I set the factory on fire. Dida didn’t do anything. I did all this because I loved you. I wanted you in my life at any cost. Rajveer says I didn’t have an option.

When I met Kunal, I came to propose you that day. I decided I will remove him from my path. I had no option. I wanted you. I have no regrets. Seher says don’t lie. I know you can’t do this. You are trying to save her. stop lying. He says I am saying truth. All of this is truth. I planned all this, none of this was by chance. I trapped you. Seher is shocked.

Harshdeep says no Rajveer. stop lying. Say I did all this. Rajveer says this is truth. Seher says then swear on me. She puts his hand on her head. Rajveer says I don’t believe in all this. Param grasps his collar and says how dare you? You ruined our sister’s life. Karan says I will kill you. The police arrest Rajveer.

Harshdeep says Raj please tell everyone you are lying. Tell them I did this. rajveer shoves her hand. Seher says I am glad I am not pregnant and I know the truth. Otherwise my name would have been tied with this disgusting family forever. Karan and Kulwant hold Seher’s hand. They take her home. Rajveer is taken away by the police. Rajveer says in heart I confessed her my life.

Rajveer comes out. Rajveer is being taken to the polic van. Seher and Rajveer recall their moments with each other. Seher cries. Rajveer looks back. He falls. Seher says in heart I had to tell you how much I love you. Karan and Param take Seher home. Harshdeep comes out and says he’s my brother. You can’t take him. The inspector says he confessed please let us do our job. Harshdeep says Rajveer please tell them you didn’t do this. I will get you out. I did. He shoves her hand. the police drive away the car.

Also read: Choti Sardarni 13th November 2021 Written Update:

Scene 2
Seher locks herself in the room and cries. Param and Karan knock. Kulwant says please open the door. Seher sobs. Rajveer comes the police station. He looks at his engagement locket. Seher recalls everything and sobs. Seher falls down. Param says Seher please open the door. Kulwant says leave her alone for a while. Rajveer is locked up. Seher lays on the floor and cries. Rajveer recalls his moments with Seher.

Scene 3
The next morning, Seher opens the door. Kulwant, Param and Karan are asleep on the floor outside her room. Param and Karan hug Seher. They say are you okay? You scared. Kulwant hugs her and says we couldn’t sleep. We waited outside all night. She says Param get water. Seher says I have to go to the hospital. I have an appointment with Dr. Gaitri. They’re shocked.

Precap :Dr. Gaitri says congratulations Seher. You are pregnant. Seher is shocked. Seher comes to the jail. She says Rajveer I know you didn’t do anything. I know you can’t even imagine doing all this. Dida did this. Don’t take her blame on yourself.

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