Chikoo Ki Mummy Durr Kei 17th February 2022 Written Update: 

Chikoo Ki Mummy Durr Kei 17th February 2022 Written Update: The show begins by showing Dhanush playing volleyball and reminiscing about his mom’s warning. Mini arrives and asks about his plans to get the scholarship beating Chikoo. Dhanush is asked if she believes Chikoo can beat him. Mini says they cannot afford to risk it and she gives her a plan to be successful. Chikoo attends college and asks for the fountain.

Dimple claims that you are popular via the Dhanush film. Chikoo wants to know where the fountain is. Dimple promises to accompany her, and at that point she talks about her other activities and how she has a good understanding of everybody well since she has been studying for eight years. Chikoo questions why she is studying for 8 years. Dimple promises to inform her later and she inquires about why she’s taking a trip to the water fountain. Chikoo shares that the principal asked her to take an excursion to college with Nikhil prior to an orientation. Dimple goes away.

Chikoo is at the fountain, and she spots Dhanush and asks what is the location of Nikhil. Dhanush says that her partner was updated and he reminisces about the way he travelled to Nikhil along with his sport car. He presents the university the way to Chikoo and they talk happily together about their opinions. At that point, Mini phoned him, and she asks if he’s remembered the plan. Dhanush accepts and walks on a long step to ensure it doesn’t smudge the floor. He invites her to come. Chikoo wants him to explain to her a different method. Dhanush provides a solution and asks her if she can remember the method. Chikoo gives him the tape and informs him that her brain works quickly. Chikoo goes home. The person who cleans asks why she had her at that location. Dhanush requests him to remain still.

Chikoo is taken to an unsettling building. Dhanush claims that this building where people could see the booths. Mini and her companions play booth music, but she isn’t convinced. Dhanush informs a girl that she that she came to the school to study however she vanished after arriving to this place. Chikoo is scared.

Dhanush says her booth that she will be here every day at 1 p.m. Chikoo declares that you are the college’s hero however you’re acting as the villain. Mini informs her classmates they’ll be scared by her. Chikoo is getting ready to leave that day when her doll falls down the stairs, which reminds her of that she was her Mom and she breaks down in grief, crying and calling Mom. Dhanush says it’s ragging, and the doll is covered in blood from a dummy and shows her friends to him.

Chikoo is still crying. Dhanush wants her to keep in mind the fear until she graduates from college. Students call her fattu. Chikoo breaks down in tears and speaks to the sky, telling she is in need of her support. Later, she looks at her watch from Nupur death.Kamini looks in her watches. Savitri says she’ll look for it , and she shows her a watch and demands that she get rid of it because it’s been spoiled. Kamini states that it’s been in the house for years and she stored it in her locker. She releases them from her room.

Precap: Dhanush Mom wants him to receive the scholarship, and she informs her that she doesn’t care about unfair or fair. Dhanush and Chikoo decide to get the scholarship to help their mom’s.

Also read: Chikoo Ki Mummy Durr Kei 16th February 2022 Written Update

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