Channa Mereya Written Update 22nd August 2022:

Channa Mereya Written Update 22nd August 2022 on

Ginni goes to the kitchen and effectively feed herself a sweet the cries. Akash comes there and give her a jug of water. Ginni expresses gratitude toward him. Akash and Ginni shares an embrace. He then lets Ginni know that he has seen everything through the window how everybody is chiding her eventhough she is a decent individual yet requests that she become his companions.

Ginni reviews Goldie then, at that point, advances her hand to be his companion. Aditya goes to Sam’s room and covers her with a blanket while pondering her pregnancy admission. He then proceeds to sit on a rocker and ponders Ginni’s words then nods off. Ginni comes there and recalls all that then, at that point, feels regretful for her choice. She then, at that point, covers Aditya with a blanket and sees his harmed knuckle.

She then goes to a dozing Simran and apologizes to her truism eventhough she is a lady she turned her life more troublesome. She likewise tells that she committed an immense error in the event that it’s really not necessary to focus on Goldie’s life then she couldn’t ever have taken such choice.

She likewise requests that she recuperate soon she will figure out how to settle the misstep she made. She then leaves the room. Simran awakens and tells that implies Ginni knows her about her pregnancy so presently her own responsibility alongside Aditya’s contempt will get her Aditya.

Rajvant reviews his words with Ginni and goes to a locked room. Supreet comes there and sees the reason why Rajvant is going to the locked room which is locked for a really long time likewise he declined anybody to go to that room however today after everything happened additionally at this night why Rajvant is going into the room now.

Rajvant emerges from the room. Supreet goes to him and asks him what is he doing as of now additionally where he went. Rajvant deceives her that he isn’t feeling lethargic so he went to the nursery now he is returning to his room likewise requests that she nod off too then leaves the spot.

Supreet asks why Rajvant deceiving her and what is he stowing away from everybody. Shailaja sees and considers what Supreet and Rajvant is examining that too at this late evening and chooses to look into it. The following day Ginni awakens and requests that Shampy and Dimpy prepare for the school. She then understands that she is in Aditya’s home and gets miserable.

Opposite side Gulraj orchestrates the dhaba meanwhile conversing with herself that individuals are correct. Assuming the girl of the house get hitched and goes to the in regulation’s home then they will lost the glow of the house which she figures out it. A woman comes there calling out to Ginni. Gulraj acknowledges she is their neighbor come companion who moved to Canada. The two of them gets some information about their prosperity then the woman asks where is Ginni.

Gulraj flies off the handle. In Singh manor Gurleen meets Ginni and gives her a dress. She tells that she came here to meet her without Shailaja’s information. She then tells that in the event that anybody in this house knows or not yet she realizes her well that she won’t ever lie or deceive anybody.

On her big day she adviced her to tell the truth and she wishes she had a similar strength as her’s. Gurleen then lets Ginni know that she is going to her in regulation’s home and afterward hears Shailaja is calling her so requests that Ginni deal with herself and embraces then, at that point, leaves the room.

Gulraj tells her neighbor Ginni is living in a damnation. The last option gets stunned and asks what is she talking about. Gulraj lets her beginning and end know that occurred. The neighbor companion of her gets stunned. She then asks Gulraj how they will maintain this dhaba business since everybody knows Ginni can deal with her dad’s business very much like him.

Gulraj tells even she knows that however she can’t allow her different kids to experience then, at that point, wishes that she becomes acquainted with about Kushwant’s mysterious recipe book. The neighbor companion asks her don’t she realize that Kushwant wanting to fabricated a lodging with one of the notable individual of Amritsar.

He let them know that his thoughts and his accomplices cash will assist him with beginning once again the lodging business. Gulraj gets stunned and ponders why Kushwant didn’t told her anything. Her companion tells her that he needed to tell her on their big day yet before that Kushwant died tragically additionally she and her relatives moved to Canada and she returned now as it were. Gulraj tells that she can hardly imagine how Kushwant needed to open a lodging.

Opposite side Ginni emerges from the washroom and prepares. Aditya goes into the room. He overlooks Ginni and takes his garments to leave yet Ginni stops him. Aditya gets irritated and advises her that he would rather not share a room or this space with her since he realizes that he can’t endure her since she is irritating and requests that she quit behaving like his significant other then leaves the room irately. Opposite side Gulraj’s companion tells her the purpose for her meeting her today is significant. She requests that she review it what day it is.

Gulraj understands that this is the day Kushwant wrapped up composing his recipe book. Her companion tells her and this is the day they moved to Canada yet before that they met Kushwant who joyfully let them know today is the last gathering with his accomplice to begin his business. Gulraj looks on. Opposite side Ginni reviews her dad’s fantasy about her marriage. She then looks for God to assist her with making everything ordinary in view of her this error many individuals are enduring likewise she is here going through this simply because she made a commitment and looks on.

Precap: Ginni and Akash is in the kitchen. Ginni makes prasad. Aditya requests that she leave. Ginni argues him not to rebuff her like this. Aditya reminds her she has nothing to do with his life likewise she isn’t a piece of the family. Simran in her room tell somebody on the call that she will educate the Singh’s concerning her pregnancy however she must be more cautious this time as she dont believe that anybody should realize Aditya isn’t a dad of her unborn youngster. She then helps stunned seeing Ginni through the mirror. She pivots and Ginni goes to her earnestly.

Also read: Channa Mereya 19th August 2022 Written Update

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