Channa Mereya Written Update 21st October 2022:

Channa Mereya Written Update 21st October 2022 on

Episode begins with Golden tells Rajvant on the off chance that he didnt upheld him that day, they wouldn’t be made a domain. Rajvant determines what he did is inexcusable so any reasons can legitimize what he can do. He then, at that point, tells the second he realizes Ginni is Kushwant’s little girl he believed her should wed Aditya.

Golden gets stunned. Rajvant further says he made a guarantee to God to come clean to Ginni which he will do it without a doubt. Golden figures he can’t allow Rajvant to uncover reality to Ginni. He shares with Rajavant he was feeling defenseless now and tells that he and everybody attempted to assist him with rejoining him and Aditya however fizzled. Ginni made the inconceivable as conceivable by rejoining him with his child since she cherishes him to such an extent. He then requests that Rajvant give him the journal to consume it.

Rajvant denies and gets some information about consuming it. He tells that they shouldn’t conceal their missteps to redress it. He then, at that point, tells that God won’t pardon him assuming he conceals reality from Ginni so he will go to Ginni and come clean with her and wont stress over the outcomes. Aditya and Ginni’s marriage will occur in the foundation of truth. Golden comes clean with in the event that he tells to Ginni, they will get addressed for why they kept this while this journal.

Likewise they will become dependable of Kushwant’s demise. He additionally lets Rajvant know what he did a long time back is for his family’s prosperity even he will do likewise and goes to jail on the off chance that its required. He further tells Rajvant that Ginni will leave Aditya in the wake of learning reality. Aditya adores her to such an extent he will experience the most.

Ginni likewise cherishes Aditya much and she don’t have a dad so she merits an accomplice like Aditya in her life so he wont let him ruin their bliss by coming clean. Rajvant cries and drops the journal to the ground feeling vulnerable which satisfies Golden.

Rajvant cries and asks God everything’s occurring here and says to he might satisfy the commitment however his kids’ life will get demolished so he dont know what else to do. Golden grins and takes the journal in his grasp. He then, at that point, tells that he is the person who let them know all when they don’t find an answer they ought to allow God to conclude anything God desires.

He further expresses Golden to let Aditya and Ginni gets hitched and tells they ought to take part in their wedding which is their joy. He then requests that he go inside to be essential for Aditya and Ginni’s sangeet. He additionally says when reality needs to come out it will emerge and they can confront it that is when and requests that he not to think excessively. Rajvant feels vulnerable and heads inside. Golden sneers and goes close by fire. He tears the paper individually and puts it inside the fire. Ginni comes there to look for Sam. She looks to a great extent however neglects to see Golden who is consuming the journal.

Inside the house both Singh’s and Grewal’s moves joyfully. Rajvant goes into the house and powers a grin. Outside Ginni staggers close by a bloom container and steadies herself. Golden places the entire journal in fire then leaves the spot. Golden heads inside and requests that Rajvant partake in the service. Rajvant questions where is Aditya and Ginni. Golden additionally acknowledges they are mysteriously gone. So he tells Rajvant he will proceed to bring them back likewise tells he will bring a beverage for himself and leaves the spot.

Ginni looks for Simran. Consumed piece of Kushwant’s journal falls close to Ginni when the breeze blows. She considers what it is and takes it in her grasp. She gets stunned understanding it’s Kushwant’s journal. She reviews as a youngster she told her dad she note it down everything in the journal. Ginni sees the journal is consuming so she races to it and takes outside and attempts to prevent the fire from spreading on the journal. Opposite side Aditya ponders where Simran went. He contemplates internally that he had enough of Simran so the following thing he will do is record a grumbling against Simran without a doubt.

Ginni takes the journal in her grasp with tear filled eyes and ponders who put this in fire. All of a sudden Simran comes behind and hit her head. Ginni drops the journal which falls inside the bloom jar and falls oblivious. Marleen and Akash asks Aditya what is he doing here likewise requests that he go with them inside in light of the fact that Rajvant is looking for himself and Ginni. Aditya sends them inside saying he will carry Ginni with him.

Simran chooses to kill Ginni so she lifts the wooden stick yet she hears Aditya is calling out to out Ginni so leaves the spot. Aditya gets stunned seeing Ginni’s oblivious state. He hurries to her. The relatives gets stunned when they sees Aditya bringing an oblivious Ginni inside the house. Aditya takes Ginni to his room and tells he previously educated the specialist. The specialist shows up there and sends every one of them out to look at Ginni.

Aditya gets miserable reviewing Ginni telling about Simran’s presence in their sangeet. He plunks down tragically. Golden goes to him and calls Ginni as a contender and tells that she will recuperate quick. Aditya goes to the specialist. Golden thinks himself that Ginni could assisted him with getting Aditya yet he can’t assist her with anything. He additionally chooses to see the value in Simran for her work. The specialist illuminates inner draining isn’t occurring in Ginni’s mind yet they need to keep a nearby eye and on the off chance that she dont awaken before the following morning, they need to take her to the emergency clinic for additional treatment which shocks everybody.

Precap: The Grewal’s petitions God for Ginni’s recuperation. Rajvant in his room begs God for Ginni’s recuperation. Ginni acquires her awareness and says Dad Ji’s journal over and again which befuddles Aditya and Gulraj and shocks Golden and Rajvant.

Also read: Channa Mereya Written Update 20th October 2022

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