Day 34
8 AM
The inmates wake up to the song koi mil gaya. They all dance. Nishant dances with Tejasswi. Vishal wishes good morning to everyone.
Pratik tells Shamita that we didn’t even wash the dishes last night. Shamita says they are not even throwing trash in the bin.
9 AM
Vishal asks Nishant who is he supporting for the captaincy? Nishant says I will support Umar, I will not take part in the task. I don’t know what Tejasswi is doing. Vishal says I found her stupid yesterday, she thinks she can make Shamita her rival and she will become a queen. She is on a different trip but Shamita is least interested in making her an enemy.
Miesha tells Pratik that Rajiv kept bragging that he made me the contender. Pratik says I don’t understand Rajiv, just focus on Tejasswi favoring you but it was her strategy.
11 AM
Ishaan tells Miesha that we have to move ahead in the game. Miesha says Shamita told me that I will be seen more if I become the captain. Ishaan says Vishal will be in the top 5 even if he has to use Shamita. I know Vishal must have tried to save me from the nominations.
Nishant tells Karan that if you play the game with me then I will also. Your priorities are different here. Karan says you have Pratik but I think Umar is way smarter than Pratik. Nishant says I disagree.
Ishaan tells Miesha that I have seen the reality of Jay yesterday, he calls you his sister but he didn’t support you when it came to captaincy.
Also read: Bigg Boss 15 4th November 2021 Written Update:
11:30 AM
Karan reads the task to the inmates. There are diwali gifts from their families but they have to play a task to get them. This will be a captaincy task between Umar and Miesha. There is a happiness station in the garden which has all the gifts. Bigg Boss will announce the name and then that person can take the gift using fuel. Miesha and Umar will be gas stations so the inmate will have to convince them to give them fuel so they can sit in the car and reach their gifts. It depends on Miesha and Umar to give them fuel or not. Whoever has more fuel, in the end, will become the captain.
11:45 AM
Ishaan tells Miesha that this is not about emotions so play your game. Don’t think about anyone. Miesha says how can I take their gifts away? Ishaan says you can’t be emotional like this.
Vishal gets emotional looking at his gift. He tells Miesha that I always gift my family so don’t know what my father has sent. Miesha gets emotional but Simba asks her to think about herself.
Umar tells Karan that I won’t give gifts as much as I can.
12 PM
Bigg Boss says the first gift is from Vishal’s house and he needs 2 fuel points to get it. Vishal says my father has sent a gift.. he gets emotional and says he must have sent something from his heart, diwali is about happiness and I share my happiness with my family. I want to share my happiness today by not taking the gift. I don’t want it. Thank you. All clap for him. Shamita hugs Vishal and says don’t cry. Umar hugs him. Vishal tells Shamita that they don’t have much fuel so I want others to get their gifts. Bigg Boss says Vishal doesn’t want his gift so he will throw it in the bin now. Vishal takes the gift and throws it in the bin. He thanks his father for sending his blessings. Vishal tells Shamita that I couldn’t even check what it was.
Bigg Boss says the second gift is from Jay’s house, he needs 3 points fuel to get it. Jay gets emotional and tells Umar-Miesha that I have never done this before but I am begging you to give it to me. This is very important to me.
Umar tells Nishant why Vishal portrays himself like he is always poor? He keeps talking about how he doesn’t have many clothes. Jay begs Miesha to give the gift to him, this is important for me. Miesha says just give me some time. Jay says please, think about it. Miesha gives the fuel points to him. Jay hugs her and goes to get his gift.
12:15 PM
Jay opens the gift to find his family photo. He cries. Jay finds his daughter’s shoes and starts crying. Jay finds a blanket that is made from Tara’s clothes. Jay says these are all her clothes.
Pratik tells Miesha that you have done the right thing, this is you and it’s your heart.
Nishant tells Tejasswi that Miesha won’t give more points. Tejasswi says I have made Miesha the contender. I won’t ask Umar but I have made Miesha the contender.
12:30 PM
Nishant acts like he is nominating everyone. He says I want to nominate Shamita because I want to be her brother now. All laugh.
Bigg Boss says the next gift is for Shamita and she needs 3 points of fuel to get it. Shamita asks Umar and Miesha if the captaincy is so important that they won’t give them their gifts? I feel weird for begging. I don’t want to ask Miesha but I don’t have a rapport with Umar. If I was in your place, I would have given gifts to everyone. Umar says I am sorry, we don’t have that bond and I need this captaincy as I am nominated. Shamita says no problem.
12:45 PM
Shamita cries so Nishant and Jay console her. Tejasswi asks her to go and try with Miesha. Shamita says it’s not fair on Miesha. Pratik hugs her.
Umar tells Afsana that you don’t need to ask me, you are real and I am with you.
Vishal consoles Shamita. Shamita says people think captaincy is more important than our families? This can’t be a game. Vishal says it is for people here. Just calm down. Shamita says humanity is dying a slow death in this house. Bigg Boss says Shamita didn’t get fuel so she has to throw her gift in the dustbin. Shamita throws it away. Umar says I am sorry, nothing personal.
1 PM
Bigg Boss says the next gift is from Nishant’s family and he needs 2 points of fuel to get it. Nishant says yes, I want the gift but I am less emotional about these things. We will get more chances to get gifts from my family. I want them both to make a decision, best of luck. Miesha asks Umar to give it away, it’s just 2 points. Umar asks Miesha to do her task, don’t force me. Miesha says I am talking about what I want to say. Umar asks Karan how bad you want your gift? Karan says I will not pressurize you, just don’t give it right now. Umar says I won’t give it to Nishant as I know he is sensible, you know I will give a bigger gift to you and prove my loyalty to you.
Nishant tells Pratik that I am emotionally strong. My weakness in this house is you only. Bigg Boss says Nishant didn’t get fuel so he has to throw away his gift. Nishant acts like crying and throws away the gift.
1:30 PM
Bigg Boss says the next gift is from Afsana’s house and she needs 2 points of fuel to get it. Afsana says I will be happy to get it, I am requesting Umar to please give it to her. Umar hugs her and says sure. He gives the points to her. Afsana gets happy and gets her gift. Nishant says I won’t let her. Afsana jumps over them and goes to take her gift. Karan asks Umar that you should have given me the points. Umar says I had to give it to her. Afsana has got a suit from her family.
1:45 PM
Nishant jokes that Vishal is emotionally vulnerable so he can’t do the tasks anymore. Afsana shouts who ate my papaya? Nishant says she is making cheap issues. She doesn’t care about my eggs.
Bigg Boss says the next gift is from Ishaan’s house and he needs 2 points of fuel to get it. Miesha looks away. Ishaan says I don’t want my gift, I want Miesha to become the captain. I love you. Miesha says I don’t need a captaincy like this. Ishaan says I don’t want it. Miesha says just take it. Ishaan says I don’t need it, please. Miesha says just take it. Ishaan tells Bigg Boss that I don’t need my gift. Pratik asks Miesha to calm down. Nishant mimics them and tells Jay that I am emotional seeing their love. Jay asks him to shut up. Ishaan tells Miesha that I want you to become the captain. Nishant acts like crying and mimics Miesha crying. Miesha hears it and says he is joking about my emotions. Afsana says who ate my papaya? Shamita says Miesha is crying so be sensitive. Miesha says if Afsana cared about food then she shouldn’t have thrown away the eggs. Afsana says don’t interfere in my fights. Nishant and Tejasswi tease Afsana. Afsana asks Miesha to not talk when she is talking about her papaya. Rajiv asks Afsana to stop it, Miesha is crying, do you have a heart or not? Umar says when Jay was crying then Tejasswi was laughing but you didn’t stop her? Tejasswi says I was not laughing at Jay. Umar says Nishant and Tejasswi are laughing at Miesha but that’s fine? if Afsana is talking about food then it’s wrong? Tejasswi says I was not laughing at Jay. Ishaan asks Afsana to be sensitive when someone is crying. Afsana says I am hungry, I want my food but someone ate it. Ishaan goes to Umar’s station but Afsana shouts at Umar to save it. Ishaan says I am not stealing it, he shouts at Afsana to not blame him when he is not stealing. Pratik asks him to calm down. Ishaan says this woman has no manners.
I was crying but she cares about her food. Shamita tells Nishant to not make fun of crying when I was crying too. Nishant says I was not making fun of you. Don’t be angry with me. Shamita says fine. Nishant says I was not making fun of you, I am expressing what I feel. Don’t stop me if I am laughing. You can cry as much as you want. Nishant asks Shamita to not behave like this with him. Shamita says you have shown a side of yours which I didn’t expect from you. You are laughing when people are crying, you think you will get votes like this? Nishant says choose your words wisely. Shamita says I was crying for my family and you were laughing at me? Nishant shouts that I was not laughing at you, you can’t stop me from laughing when I want to. Shamita says you call yourself a friend but you make fun of me when I am crying? Nishant asks her what is she doing? Shamita gets emotional. Nishant says I was joking with Afsana, I can’t cry so don’t stop me from laughing. Afsana tells Rajiv that Shamita makes an issue if her food is gone but I can’t talk about my food? Rajiv shouts if she doesn’t have a heart? People are crying.
Karan gets emotional. Tejasswi asks if he is missing his mother? Karan says yes. I know my mother must have sent something from Punjab. He says you look cute in this dress. Tejasswi says thank you.
2:45 PM
Bigg Boss asks Ishaan to throw away his gift as he didn’t get the fuel points. Ishaan cries and throws away his gift.
3 PM
Bigg Boss says the next gift is from Tejasswi’s house and she needs 2 points of fuel to get it. Tejasswi says I can ask Miesha. Miesha says you can ask Umar also. Tejasswi says I didn’t help Umar but I helped you become a contender for the captaincy. I supported you till the end. Miesha says I am very grateful but you did it for your own gain. Tejasswi says you never guaranteed to give me anything after you become the captain. Miesha says I have to see who is on my side. Tejasswi says you can think that, you don’t have to give fuel to me. Miesha says you wanted me to play the game so I am playing my game now. Tejasswi says you are playing with emotions. Miesha says we were crying and you were laughing at them so don’t talk about emotions. Tejasswi says what are you saying? I was not laughing at anyone.
I am not asking for any favor. Miesha says you nominated me and then you made me the contender so we are equal. Tejasswi says if you want to be seen like this then it’s not nice. Pratik asks Tejasswi to not say all that. Jay says Tejasswi paid back so she can’t expect anything back from Miesha. Tejasswi says don’t make it dirty. Ishaan says I was crying but you were dancing with Nishant. Tejasswi says I was joking with Afsana, I was not laughing at you Ishaan. Don’t make me look bad. I am not like this. Tejasswi tells Miesha that if you are making me look bad then you are wrong. I am not that person, I don’t laugh at people when they are crying. I even consoled Shamita when she was crying. Miesha says I won’t give it. Tejasswi says fine. She goes from there.
Tejasswi comes to the bedroom and gets emotional.
Nishant tells Vishal that Tejasswi doesn’t think while talking. She doesn’t like when things don’t go her way. Nishant tells Vishal that I love the way you play but you get manipulative.
Tejasswi tells Miesha that I don’t want a gift, I just want her word. Ishaan says Miesha will give her points if she is losing. Tejasswi says just give me the word that you will give the gift to Karan. Karan asks Tejasswi to stop it, don’t cry as I am crying today. Bigg Boss says Tejasswi has to throw away her gift now. Tejasswi throws it away and wishes diwali to her family. Karan laughs at her. Tejasswi says don’t laugh otherwise they will call you insensitive also. They will never be able to get to us. Karan says let them think what they want to. Tejasswi says we are stronger than them. Karan says I am not strong without you. Tejasswi says you are, it won’t be fun but you are strong alone also. Karan asks why did you request for me? Tejasswi says I know you want your gift. Karan says I will miss my mom but that’s fine.
3:30 PM
Bigg Boss says the next gift is from Karan’s house. He needs 2 points of fuel to get it. Karan gets emotional and says I don’t need it. Umar calls Karan. He says if you want it then I will give it to you, I don’t care about the captaincy. Karan says I want you to become the captain, don’t be a fool. Nishant asks Umar to not be a fool. Umar says just tell me if you need it. Karan says don’t be stupid, it’s fine.
Shamita tells Miesha if you want to give happiness to people then just do it. Miesha says I am trying to play. Shamita says to be clear about your goal.
Jay tells Umar that I will fight for him so take your gift, Karan. Karan tells Umar that I want to see you as a captain, my mom will be happy about it. The important factor is that you are ready to give the points to me. I don’t care about the gift right now.
Tejasswi tells Miesha that Karan doesn’t want it but I want to give it to him, tell me what deal do you want? Ishaan says Karan doesn’t want it so why are you pressurizing Miesha? Tejasswi says I want it for Karan. I can’t ask Umar because I haven’t done anything for me.
Bigg Boss says Karan’s time has ended so he has to throw away the gift. Karan sadly throws away the gift. Tejasswi tells Ishaan that Umar is already winning so why can’t you give the gifts to others? Ishaan says but you can’t pressurize Miesha. Ishaan says Karan is not even trying with Umar. Karan says Umar wanted to give the points to me. I never asked Miesha for it.
4 PM
Bigg Boss says the next gift is from Pratik’s house and he needs 2 points of fuel to get it.
Karan asks Pratik to ask Miesha for it, she is going to lose the task so just take it from Miesha. Pratik says let me think.
Shamita tells Miesha that it’s on you if you want to give it or not. Pratik asks Umar you need captaincy right? Umar says yes, I can’t give it. Pratik calls Miesha and asks if she wants to be the captain? Miesha says I am losing. He won’t give points to anyone so I will lose. I might as well give it to you people.
Afsana tells Umar that I don’t trust Ishaan, Miesha and Vishal. She says don’t ever listen to Jay. Umar says Jay is not loyal to anyone.
Bigg Boss tells Pratik that he doesn’t have much time left. Miesha gives the points to Pratik. Pratik opens the gift to find perfume.
4:30 PM
Bigg Boss says the next gift is from Rajiv’s house and he needs 2 points of fuel. Rajiv asks Umar to give it to him. Miesha says I will give it. Rajiv says let me talk. Miesha gives the points to him and says go. Rajiv takes his gift. He finds a teddy bear inside the box.
4:45 PM
Bigg Boss says the last gift is from Simba’s house and he needs 2 points of fuel. Miesha gives it to him. Simba opens the gift to find a photocard of his mom.
Bigg Boss says Umar has more fuel points so he becomes the new captain. Miesha hugs him.
5:15 PM
Karan asks Nishant what’s his equation with Jay? Nishant says we never talked about the game here. I am emotionally connected with Pratik, Tejasswi, then Shamita, then it was you. As for the game, I just connect with Jay for the game. He talks to me in the game.
5:30 PM
Karan tells Tejasswi that if I am in Nishant’s position then his options are Pratik-Shamita then the other side is Tejasswi-Karan so who would I choose? Tejasswi says if I am Nishant then I would choose Shamita’s side because Shamita has support of many people. Karan says Nishant will come to us because he played with everyone yesterday but still failed. We played our game and won yesterday. He will make an alliance with us because we are not duffers like others. We have a mind to look at a larger perspective.
7 PM
Tejasswi talks to Umar and Karan. She asks Umar if we can make our group stronger? Karan says just observe how they behave with each other. These people act like they are a group but they don’t trust each other. Umar says they are just playing in a herd. Karan tells Tejasswi don’t worry about the game, the audience will never find us wrong. Tejasswi says that’s my dialogue. Karan laughs.
9:15 PM
Nishant tells Jay that Karan-Tejasswi has a slight idea that I will have an alliance with you and Shamita. They think we are playing in an alliance. Jay says I don’t want to make an alliance but Karan is making an alliance in this house. He doesn’t get physical in the task so he needs people to play for him. Nishant says we don’t have to go on their side but we need to have a majority in the game. What happened yesterday was them showing their loyalty but I entered that. I supported Umar and they have to return that favor.
Shamita tells Vishal that these people keep talking about groups but who started it? Vishal says I don’t have any group. Shamita says their group is being controlled by one person. She says I thought Raqesh would enter the game and I would have emotional support. I don’t blame him for not coming, this game is dirty for him. It’s just frustrating that he is not with me. I am feeling very lonely.
9:30 PM
Bigg Boss tells the inmates that Salman Khan needs their help. He asks Karan to read the instructions. Karan reads that Salman is going on a Big Picture show and you people will help him in getting the answers right. You all get ready.
10:15 PM
Salman connects the call to the house. He is on a Big Picture show with Ranveer. Salman asks Jay to help him with a question. Jay answers it for him. Salman says I am taking a bet on you.