Bigg Boss 15 16th November 2021 Written Story:

Day 45
3:15 PM
Bigg Boss tells the inmates that VIP members are safe from the nominations. All other inmates are nominated directly. The nominated inmates are Rajiv, Simba, Jay, Pratik and Neha. Bigg Boss says VIP will have a task in which they can mutually give ratings from 1-5 to other inmates. 1 is lowest, 5 is highest. Tejasswi tells VIP that I will give 1 point to Rajiv. Vishal says I don’t want to give 5 points to anyone. Karan says let’s decide who will have the highest. Tejasswi says to give 4 points to Simba. Nishant says we should give fewer points to Jay as his performance is not good. Tejasswi says let’s give 2 points to Neha and Jay.
Neha tells Pratik that I want to slap VIPs for having so much control.

Tejasswi gives 1 point to Rajiv. 2 points to Neha, 3 points to Pratik, 4 points to Simba, 2 points to Jay. Neha says I would spit in their food today. Nishant says don’t say all that. I can spit in your food also. Pratik says don’t mind her. Rajiv asks Nishant what’s his reason for giving him 1 point? Nishant says Rajiv had a good journey, he has made his mark but his input in the show is not a lot. Umar laughs. Rajiv says it’s not funny, I don’t agree with this point. I have done so much in the show. What has Neha done that I didn’t do in the show? You people don’t like what I say. I am a hardworking person, I handle the kitchen well, I have good relationships. You people fight and get scolded by Salman but I should have 1 point? You people are playing in a group, I don’t agree with this. Nishant shouts that you are irritating. Umar says it’s not about working in the house. Rajiv says I work hard in the tasks also. Nishant tells Rajiv that it’s up to you if you want to take it or not. Just ignore it for now. Rajiv says 1 point? Nishant says let’s wait till the task gets over. We can do this in a civil way. Rajiv says fine. Nishant asks him to calm down.

Bigg Boss says this task ends here.

5 PM
Karan reads about the ‘weekly shopping’. The first time, Rajiv and Simba will go to the storeroom to get the kitchen items. Then Jay will go to get bathroom items. Then Neha-Pratik will go and get the cleaning items. Their points will be collected on the basis of their ranking. They can use a total of 6,000 points. They have to use those points to get all the items from the store room that they want. They will get 2 minutes to get the items from the storeroom.

5:15 PM
Tejasswi asks Simba to tell how many points will he use? Pratik says he should get oil first. Simba says we don’t know what will be the pricing of the items. Jay says food items are a must. We can use 5000 points on food. He asks Simba to shop for 5000 points and don’t care about anything else. Pratik says we need liquid to wash the dishes. Tejasswi asks Simba to listen to Nishant and me. Nishant says don’t take too many milk packs. He says you just need 20 packs. Pratik says we won’t have that many points to use. Nishant shouts to let him talk. Tejasswi asks Simba to take garlic paste. Karan tells everyone that we don’t need anything from toiletries or cleaning items so use all points for food.

Also read: Bigg Boss 15 15th November 2021 Written Update:

Nishant asks Rajiv to get poha and other food items. Tejasswi says we need eggs also. They all wait outside the storeroom. The buzzer plays, Rajiv-Simba enter the storeroom. They start collecting food items. Jay peeks inside so Bigg Boss asks him to stay out. Neha asks everyone to let them concentrate. Umar says you keep stopping me from talking.
Neha tells Umar to stop attacking her. Umar says you were asking me to not speak up. Neha says I will talk if you keep arguing with me. Umar says you keep interrupting me. Neha says I was not talking to you, you have a fragile ego. Umar says I don’t care about ego.
Simba-Rajiv collect food items. They use 4150 points and the time is up. Rajiv says we forgot to take tea bags. Rajiv-Simba come out of the storeroom. Simba says we forgot tea bags, we used 4150 points so 1850 are left. Neha says they didn’t get daal, I tried talking to them but these people don’t let me talk. Tejasswi says listen to me. Neha says you keep asking me to not talk, you have no brain. You are brainless. Tejasswi tells Simba that he should have collected more food items. Neha tells Tejasswi to let other people talk in the house. Pratik says it’s not Simba’s fault, Nishant-Tejasswi kept asking them to take eggs and milk. They forgot to get daal. Tejasswi says don’t blame them. Pratik says it’s Tejasswi’s fault. Tejasswi asks Rajiv to ignore them.

5:45 PM
Nishant tells Tejasswi that we can manage the quantity but these people keep fighting over it. Karan asks what did they forget? Nishant says they didn’t get rice and pulse.
Neha tells Jay that they never told them to get pulse. Nishant was not letting me speak.

6 PM
Bigg Boss says they have 1850 points. Jay will collect bathroom items now. Jay goes into the storeroom and gets bathroom cleaning liquids and mouthwash. Jay counts his points and he has used 1380 points. Jay brings the items to the house.
Pratik tells Nishant that you didn’t let me talk. Nishant says you people don’t listen to me. I was just reminding Simba to get milk. Pratik says you said everything that was not important. Neha says Nishant doesn’t let me talk. Nishant says don’t charge at me.

Nishant jokes with Rajiv that you got elachi but not rice? Rajiv says I didn’t see rice. Neha tells Pratik that Nishant thinks he is the smartest of all. She tells Nishant that his mind has gone crazy. Tejasswi confused Simba and then she told him he did well like we are attacking him. she is Divya’s mother.

6:30 PM
Pratik-Neha enter the storeroom. They have 470 points to use. They take handwashes and sprays. They use 160 points.
Jay tells Rajiv that eggs are not the priority, you should have gotten veggies and tea first. Umar says Rajiv would have spoiled the task even if he had 8000 points.

8 PM
Umar says Nishant can wash all our personal dishes so we are not seen working in the house. Nishant says I don’t have an issue with washing personal dishes. Umar washes his plates and spits in the sink.

8:45 PM
Rajiv asks Neha why are we working in the house and they are sitting doing nothing? They have all been aggressive but they are VIPs now? We have become fools in all this. This can’t be real. What wrong have I done in the show? They get all good food items and what do we have? We get nominated. What is this game? What wrong have I done? Neha laughs and says I want to take their lives. I will not spare them in the task. Rajiv laughs and says what is this?

9:15 PM
Jay reads about a task in which they have to choose a person who spits venomous words. They will then brush his teeth. First Umar will teach the inmates how to brush their teeth and how dental health is important.

9:30 PM
Umar: Umar tells the inmates that we should brush our teeth two times. He says I will give the tag to Pratik as he spits venom. He brushes his teeth.
Pratik: He says Umar’s words are stinky. He brushes his teeth. Umar says he said he wouldn’t become our slave and now he is brushing my teeth. All laugh.
Neha: She says Karan’s words are stinky. She brushes his teeth and says I hope you stop being so negative.
Rajiv: He calls Nishant. Pratik says he is Nishant ‘VIP’ Bhatt. Rajiv says he has spitting venomous words, he thinks he is always right and he shouldn’t interfere in my cooking. Rajiv brushes his teeth.
Simba: He calls Umar and says I hope his tongue will become cleaner. He brushes Umar’s teeth. Simba says he spits cheap and personal words.
Jay: He calls Neha and says she shouldn’t have said she would spit in the food. Neha says it won’t happen again. Jay brushes her teeth.
Nishant: He says I want to call Rajiv as his words are cheap but very petty. He brushes his teeth.
Vishal: He calls Pratik and brushes his teeth.
Karan: He calls Neha and says you called Tejasswi brainless for no reason which I didn’t like. He brushes her teeth.
Tejasswi: She says Neha called me brainless which hurt me. She brushes her teeth.

10:15 PM
Karan asks Rajiv if he is playing safe? Rajiv says I should remain in the show, you should choose me as a VIP.

11 PM
Neha tells Tejasswi that I stepped back when you asked me to be silent but you were acting a little rude. I am sorry for calling you brainless but you were acting like you rule this place. Tejasswi says everybody was giving instructions to Simba so I was giving my suggestions. I knew Pratik would try to interfere so I was defensive with him. Don’t think I am rude. Neha says we don’t have to be nice but I just wanted to clear the air.

Day 46
8 AM
The inmates wake up to the song dhating naach. They all dance.

9 AM
Rajiv is making breakfast. Neha asks him to make veggies today. Karan is helping him in the kitchen. Tejasswi says don’t do it.

9:45 AM
Vishal tells Rajiv that if you get the least points then Bigg Boss can change the game and make you the captain. Rajiv says I don’t understand why I got the least points.

Umar tells Vishal that you all like Simba but I don’t like it as he doesn’t care about the game. Rajiv is desperate for the game so we can use him. Vishal says we should bring Rajiv here, he is strong there. Vishal says Neha couldn’t do much in the show. Umar says she looks very sassy and intelligent but she is cursing people for no reason.

2:30 PM
Nishant tells Pratik that leave some food for me. Pratik says you should consider that ration is limited. Nishant says just don’t eat my food.

3:30 PM
The inmates see the jail being revealed in the garden. They all look on.

4 PM
Karan reads that VIPs will punish one inmate and send him or her to jail. It won’t be based on the rule-breaking but their input to the show. The housemates will put forward their points to VIPs and convince them to not send them to jail. They will choose one inmate to start the debate. Two inmates will have a debate and whoever wins it will be safe and won’t go the jail. Then other inmate will challenge another inmate for the debate, the cycle will go on till last person is remaining who will be sent to jail.

Vishal tells Tejasswi that Rajiv is an underdog, if we put him in jail then he will be safe from the nominations. Umar tells Rajiv to think on the other side of the game.

4:30 PM
Nishant tells Umar that I don’t want to send Rajiv to jail. Vishal asks who do you think is right? Nishant says let’s choose Jay.

The VIP members say our first choice is Jay. Jay says I am nominating Pratik against me. I think he should go to jail, he doesn’t take a stand for his friends. Pratik says I am always with my friends, I am not a people pleaser like Jay. Umar says Pratik is always fighting with his friends like Miesha and Neha. Pratik says Miesha’s words were hurting me. Nishant says that’s not the point. Umar says your questions are important and my questions are not? Nishant says you are just wasting time. Umar says respect my questions otherwise I will leave. Jay says Pratik has a pattern, he plays the same game with every girl. It was Divya in OTT, then Miesha and now Neha. He has a book that he follows. Umar tells Tejasswi that if I am asking a question then show some respect, you people are not even listening to me. Karan asks him to not be angry. Jay says Pratik has said such cheap words for Rajiv, he should be ashamed of himself. Pratik says I changed my ways. Jay says you are insensitive. Pratik says he takes convenient stands. The buzzer plays and their round ends.

Karan asks his VIP members. Vishal says we have saved Jay from the task. Pratik will remain in the game.

5 PM
Jay thanks Nishant. Nishant asks what will you do for me now? Jay jokes I will throw tea on you.
Karan tells Rajiv that you are already nominated, you will get sympathy if you go to jail.
Vishal tells Neha that anyone who is in jail will get the most votes. I am sure of it so they have agreed on Rajiv’s name, just tell Rajiv to not feel bad.

5:15 PM
Tejasswi tells Vishal that Umar felt bad. Karan says he feels bad that people call him my follower, he got hurt when we were not listening to him.

Neha tells Rajiv that Vishal wants to put you in the jail as you will get maximum footage there. Rajiv says they don’t care about me, they are doing it for their image.

5:30 PM
Karan asks Pratik who is he challenging? He says Rajiv. Tejasswi says you should have chosen Neha. Pratik chooses Neha against him. Pratik says Neha is new here, she has done a lot in the show but I have done more than her. Neha says Pratik is smart but he argues so much that important topics get lost. Pratik says it’s my right to speak up. Neha says but you don’t let others speak, how is that right? Pratik says I have nothing against Neha, she has taken a stand. Neha says this looks like a love letter. Tejasswi asks Pratik if he is okay to go to jail and save Neha? Pratik says I am fine going to jail. Tejasswi says you are taking this task lightly, you will give the trophy to Neha also? Pratik says I don’t think she deserves to go to jail. Nishant says Pratik has done more mistakes so I like his honesty. Pratik asks him to not be sarcastic. Tejasswi asks Neha if Pratik is an honest person? She says the most honest person. Tejasswi says I want an honest person to stay in the house. Nishant says Pratik deserves to go to jail. Even Pratik agrees. Tejasswi says Pratik played well, his attitude has changed also. Nishant says Neha won the debate. Neha says you can choose anyone, it’s not elimination. Karan says Pratik played wrongly, he is making fun of the task by not playing it. He is saying he wants to go to jail, it’s against the game. Tejasswi says Pratik is playing smartly, he wants to go to jail. He is honest so he won’t go to jail. Pratik says you find me right today? Out of all days? I just said that Neha is new. Jay says if he wants to go to jail then send him there.

Tejasswi says he is trying to play us. Vishal tells Nishant that I don’t like the way Pratik wants to go to jail. He is not even playing in the task. Nishant says Pratik couldn’t say anything wrong for Neha, he is being truthful. Tejasswi says he is playing us. Vishal says you can scream as much as you want. Karan says we have mutually decided that Pratik won this round. Nishant says I don’t agree with this decision. Bigg Boss says all VIPs have to take a mutual decision. Nishant says we have to decide on their performance in this task, Neha won the debate. Vishal says Pratik deliberately played badly. Nishant screams at him. Vishal says Pratik can’t play us, we have to mutually decide together. Tejasswi tells Nishant that you are playing a solo game, I don’t like it. Nishant says I don’t agree with this. Bigg Boss asks VIPs to come to a decision now. Nishant says I can get punished but I won’t agree. Tejasswi says nice Nishant, we can agree with you right now. Nishant says Pratik failed to justify himself so he should lose the round. Vishal tells Bigg Boss that Neha won this round so she won’t go to jail. Tejasswi whispers to Umar that if we want Rajiv to go to jail then tell him to praise Pratik and don’t play the task.

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