Umar lets Rajiv know that you are not utilizing your psyche. Rajiv says I am playing for Shamita, don’t say poop things. Ritesh gets things that Umar had stowed away. Umar requests that he leave them. Ritesh says you have taken them. He calls Rakhi there. Umar says he has broken the things. He yells at Ritesh and says you are a *. Ritesh says don’t swindle. Devotional takes more things and Tejasswi helps her. Ritesh says I won’t allow them to play like this. Umar is cheating. He takes the things and says I can take them additionally on the off chance that they are doing it. Rajiv says you can’t do this.
Rakhi attempts to control them. Abhijeet says I will carry out the responsibility now. Karan says I am leaving the assignment moreover. Abhijeet says I need Pratik to win. Umar says you need to give me the obligation. Rashami lets Tejasswi know that you are helping others. Tejasswi says I overlooked when you took too. Ritesh assaults Umar and says you continue to cheat in the game. The two of them yell at one another. Tejasswi requests that they stop it. Rajiv yells at Devo for cheating. Rashami says to Abhijeet that you can’t comprehend the game. She takes a thing. Abhijeet requests that she stop it. Rajiv says Devo took as well. Devotional says they are insane. Devotional requests that Rashami get lost.
Rashami says you are insane. Umar lets Tejasswi know that you were not going according to the arrangement. Rakhi requests that they stop it. Abhijeet requests that Devo sit with him and play for me. Devotional says assuming you support me then I will give you the insusceptibility later on. Abhijeet says guarantee? She says OK. He gives her the things that he took. He tells her that I am doing this for her. I will do anything for you, give me a kiss on the cheek. Devotional requests that he proceed to watch out for Rashami. Umar lets Ritesh know that don’t meddle in my errand. Ritesh says you are a gatekeeper so you can’t take. Umar says it’s not composed anyplace. Rakhi requests that them all give their things back.
Rashami tells Tejasswi that I can see what all of you are doing. Tejasswi says I was reasonable, would you say you are crying? Rashami says you are not allowing me to take or play. Tejasswi says I prevented Abhijeet from sending you to the prison, I even disregarded you when you were taking.
Rajiv lets Pratik know that we are resetting everything. Rashami says just Umar is supporting me. Devotional advises Abhijeet to conceal things in his coat. Abhijeet says I am tall so consideration will be on me. Rashami cries and lets Karan know that everybody is bothering me. Devotional is controlling everybody and Tejasswi isn’t agreeing with my stance. Tejasswi says when did I switch sides? You are driving me mad, don’t cry and play your undertaking. Rashami says I can’t take till the signal plays. Karan requests that she quit crying, simply play her assignment. Bigg Boss requests that everybody accumulate around.
5:30 PM
Bigg Boss lets the detainees know that each prisoner needs to be a ruler producer here. We would rather not say it’s correct however the crowd would need you to play for yourself. We wouldn’t fret monitors supporting a few hoodlums yet the issue is in the event that gatekeepers begin playing for their benefit as it were. In the present errand, the gatekeepers are designated yet they were playing for hoodlums. The hoodlums needed to take and monitors needed to stop them yet the watchmen were taking more than them. There is no good reason for playing in this assignment so we are dismissing the errand. Nobody will get a pass to finale week now. Rajiv says amazing.
Also read: Bigg Boss 15 15th December 2021 Written Story:
5:45 PM
Karan tells Rakhi that I told him to not allow them to take. Rakhi says you individuals continued to take alongside them. She lets Nishant know that you saw Pratik taking yet you didn’t stop him. Nishant says I didn’t take, I was simply supporting him.
Devotional lets Abhijeet know that you converse with everybody so for what reason wouldn’t i be able to converse with others? Try not to go too far with me.
Rashami tells Karan that Devo has said such awful words to me, she has lost all her regard. Shamita says simply disregard her. Rashami says it’s difficult to hear all that from her. This isn’t a kinship.
6 PM
Devotional tells Rakhi that Abhijeet was going too far. He got a few things and requested that I give him a kiss. Rakhi makes Abhijeet to not wisecrack like that. Abhijeet says I was kidding as it were. Rakhi says he was coercing Devo. Tejasswi lets Abhijeet know that you are a modest man. Pratik requests that he quit saying this. Abhijeet says it was a joke. Tejasswi says I want to slap him at this moment. Shamita says this man continues to stoop low. Nishant inquires as to whether they can’t take it.
Abhijeet says I was kidding. Devotional says he continued to go too far so I requested that he stop it. Ritesh asks Abhijeet to simply say sorry. Tejasswi pushes Abhijeet and says don’t say this to a young lady once more. Abhijeet says I will apologize to Devo. Nishant tells Shamita and Rashami that Abhijeet was messing with Devo. Rashami says she gives him rubs so she ought to have perceived the line previously. Devotional lets Abhijeet know that it was anything but a joke. Abhijeet says I was simply kidding, don’t make it an issue. Nishant says you should simply say unfortunately the two of them ought to comprehend their cutoff points. Devotional crosses it constantly, assuming she can’t take the joke then she shouldn’t mess with him. Tejasswi says you are nobody to conclude who went too far.
Rashami says Devo continues to give him consideration so he will get the chance. Tejasswi says would you say you are not kidding Rashami? Do you think Abhijeet was correct? Shamita says Devo should define a boundary, she continues to give him back rubs and so forth. Umar requests that Rashami not meddle in this. Devotional asks Rashami what have I permitted? I generally halted him. Nishant lets Devo know that assuming you can’t take the joke then, at that point, don’t mess with him. Devotional says I never go too far yet assuming that he goes too far then I will stop him.
Rashami tells Rajiv that Devo should define a boundary, she blows up when Abhijeet offers something however other than that she continues to engage him. He called such countless terrible words to Shamita however Devo approved of all that? She was agreeing with Abhijeet’s position. Tejasswi tells Shamita assuming Devo doesn’t prevent Abhijeet from kidding constantly then that doesn’t mean he can go too far. Shamita says yet it’s helpful for her sake. Abhijeet tells Pratik that I have a decent kinship with her so I kidded. Nishant says Devo reviled him yet never said sorry. Devotional says it was in a circumstance. Nishant says she doesn’t have the foggiest idea what she is saying. Tejasswi says all of you are being outlandish. Devotional comes to Abhijeet and says I cautioned you commonly to not go too far with me. Abhijeet says you joke with me constantly. Nishant requests that Abhijeet quit conversing with her. Devotional says get lost. Nishant says don’t return to him then, at that point. He said sorry so end it. Pratik requests that Nishant not meddle in this. Devotional says Nishant is agreeing with his stance. Rashami tells Abhijeet that I will stop you when you are incorrect.
6:30 PM
Karan lets Devo know that we are all with you, we will break his legs assuming you need. Umar says she has reviled him additionally, you can’t guard her like this. Tejasswi says however he is off-base here. Karan says on the off chance that he goes too far then we will agree with your position. Tejasswi says he isn’t right to coerce her. Umar requests that she stop it. Karan yells at Umar to allow him to talk. Umar says don’t say you will break legs and so forth.
Shamita advises Abhijeet to never request kisses from a young lady, it’s off-base.
6:45 PM
Shamita lets Devo know that no one is saying you are incorrect. Devotional says Rashami said that I allowed him to go too far. Rashami says for what reason didn’t you respond when he called me drain. Devotional says you pick your side according to your comfort. Rashami says so you are delivering retribution? Devotional says it was his language issue however you are not allowing young ladies to take a right stand. Rashami says you are going against yourself. Devotional says you are controlling everybody, you are a phony individual. You criticize others and afterward you sit with them. Rashami says amazing.
Devotional says you had nobody in BB13 so you tricked me and presently you have Umar to trick so you are tricking him, you realize he loves you that is the reason you are tricking him. Rashami applauds her and tells Umar that I love you. What presently Devo? Devotional says we will talk following 3 years Umar. Rashami says she will choose about my life, she hangs tight for promising circumstances, she is raising BB13 issues here. Shamita says Tejasswi is battling about everything nowadays. I’m a lady as well yet Tejasswi is getting carried away. Karan says that line is mistaken. Shamita says you can’t condemn. Shamita advises Tejasswi to quit extending each battle. Tejasswi yells I am not extending anything. Shamita yells you continue to extend battles consistently. Tejasswi yells I am not. Shamita says we would all be able to see it, your sweetheart can’t continue to protect you. Devotional says she doesn’t make an issue without fail. Shamita says I am agreeing with your position however request that Tejasswi shut up.
Abhijeet examines the camera and says I have a decent fellowship with Devo yet I don’t have the foggiest idea why she is making an issue, I said unfortunately she is as yet making an issue.
7 PM
Shamita says Tejasswi is making it appear as though I had awful aims, just she is the upright individual? She continues to wind the expressions of everybody, I realize I am not off-base. I will forever stand firm for a young lady.
Tejasswi lets Karan know that assuming I am standing firm for Devo then they all think I am doing this to get acclaims on end of the week ka vaar. Karan says they were all against Devo yet they can’t comprehend that this isn’t identified with Bigg Boss.
8 PM
Karan tells Umar that I requested that Devo converse with Abhijeet yet all prisoners incited Devo. I needed to end this matter yet others continue to contort things. Umar says they all need to get film. They need masala out of it. Tejasswi says you mean it’s me? Umar says whoever interfered with them was getting masala. Tejasswi says I won’t ever acknowledge those assertions.
Shamita lets Devo know that something different is happening among you and Rashami. I told Rashami to not assault you. Devotional says she realizes what triggers me that is the reason she is doing this.
Umar lets Rashami know that you are saying explanations when she incites you. Rashami says I just explained to her why she agreed with Abhijeet’s position previously? She didn’t hav