BhagyaLakshmi Written Update 30th August 2022:

BhagyaLakshmi Written Update 30th August 2022 on

Lakshmi meeting Rishi. Lakshmi feels blissful gathering Rishi. Rishi apologizes to Lakshmi. Lakshmi says she is fine. Rishi says I came here however I can’t take you out now grieved. Lakshmi shares with Rishi to don’t tell her sorry.

Malishka and Kiran squabble over Rishi and Lakshmi. Malishka says now our game is additionally wrapped up. Kiran says there is as yet an opportunity and takes Neelam’s name and says until Neelam doesn’t dismiss her there is as yet a way and says on the off chance that Neelam rejects her, Rishi may be a fantasy for her. Malishka says Rishi might be a fantasy for Lakshmi, not me.

Rishi attempts to reassure Lakshmi. Lakshmi goes about as all is great here and this spot is superior to the house. Rishi gives her consolation and says he will get her out. They investigate each other eyes. The woman constable and Inspector see that Rishi and Lakshmi are in their own reality.

The monitor calls Rishi and gets back in the saddle to their faculties. Rishi asks the controller for quite a while. Assessor doesn’t permit him. Lakshmi requests that Rishi leave. Rishi says he will return to get her out. Shalu and Bani discuss Lakshmi. Bani is concerned regardless of whether Lakshmi is delivered. So Bani requests that Shalu call Ayush and asks him what occurred. Shalu converses with Bani.

Shalu gets a call from Ayush. She catches wind of a mishap. Shalu gets stressed and attempts to go. Shalu runs into Neha and Neha’s juice tumbles down. Shalu says sorry. Neha attempts to squabble over the juice with Shalu. Shalu says she is in a rush and says Bani will clean this juice. Bani concurs. Shalu leaves from that point.

Rano requests that Bani clean it. Bani cleans the juice that is spilled on the floor. Neha requests that Bani make juice. She concurs. Rano considers the reason why didn’t Balwinder call till now. She chooses to call him in the event that he doesn’t call her. Neelam considers what occurred with Rishi and converses with herself saying that she never envisioned that Rishi will conflict with her. Kiran comes to converse with Neelam and locks the entryway.

Neelam inquires as to for what reason is she locking the entryway. Kiran says since she has something significant converse with her and says she doesn’t need others meddling. Kiran converses with Neelam about Rishi and says Malishka is extremely stressed. Kiran asks Neelam her assertion that Malishka will turn into this house little girl in regulation.

Neelam considers what occurred with Rishi and gives her assertion to Kiran. Neelam ponders internally this word isn’t to Kiran yet to herself and to satisfy it she first requirements to get her child back.

Rishi attempts to meet Lakshmi once more however Inspector stops him. Rishi says he has a significant message to Lakshmi. The reviewer calls the woman constable and shares with Rishi to tell her the message and says the woman constable will convey the message. The woman constable asks Rishi what is the message.

Rishi says I love you to her and starts talking sincerely with the woman constable and says she needs to tell this to Lakshmi. He likewise says he will give a kiss to her and she can give it to Lakshmi on the cheek.

Shalu comes to where Ayush said however she sees that there is no mishap here. She attempts to find Ayush and she runs into him. Ayush gets Shalu when she is going to fall. Ayush and Shalu investigate each other eyes and they go into their own reality.

The auditor tells Rishi to meet Lakshmi tomorrow. Rishi requests that the constable let Lakshmi know what he said. The constable says she won’t tell. Rishi says then he will proceed to converse with Lakshmi all alone. The examiner gets him and says now he will just go out. Rishi says he will converse with Lakshmi and starts double dealing with the police. The police attempt to get Rishi.

Rishi runs into a cell and the police pursue him. Rishi emerges from the other entryway of the cell and locks them inside and says he will converse with Lakshmi today. The police escape the cell and pursue him. Yet, Rishi is demonstrated to take cover behind the plants.

Also read: BhagyaLakshmi Written Update 29th August 2022

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