BhagyaLakshmi Written Update 15th September 2022:

BhagyaLakshmi Written Update 15th September 2022 on

Episode begins with Monish beating Rishi with the weapon. While Rishi tumbles down he gets a smoke bomb and deliveries it. Rishi escapes from that point and furthermore asks Sonia, Karishma, and Kiran to get away. Karishma, Sonia, and Kiran are gotten by Monish and the psychological militants.

Ayush begins behaving like a psychological oppressor and starts prodding Shalu that he will shoot her. Shalu challenges him to make it happen. Ayush says he is simply prodding. Neelam reprimands Ayush on how he is acting. Virendra says Ayush is attempting to make the environment light. Lakshmi additionally adulates Ayush and Shalu for what they did.

Malishka asks Ayush to initially get them out of here. Ayush concurs. Ayush runs into the psychological militants. The prisoners and Ayush stow away from them. Ayush and everybody consider what to do. Virendra says on the off chance that Rishi is here, he would have thought about a way. Lakshmi says Rishi will come soon.

Rishi is demonstrated to be harmed in the leg. Rishi saw that no one is behind him. Rishi chooses to initially help individuals who emerged from the court escape from here then he will help who are caught by Monish. Rishi and Lakshmi run into one another. Lakshmi asks Rishi where are the other individuals. Rishi says the other individuals could have taken off. Rishi inquires as to what is she doing here.

Lakshmi says the spot he said likewise has the presence of fear based oppressors and we can’t leave from that point. Rishi asks where is everybody. Lakshmi says they found a protected spot and they are there. Lakshmi asks Rishi where are Karishma, Kiran, and Sonia. Rishi says they could have stowed away some place. Lakshmi falls oblivious.

Abhay stresses over Malishka. Malishka comes and lets him know what occurred. Abhay says he got a plan to leave. Malishka asks what is the way to go. Abhay says for that he needs to go make an arrangement with a fear based oppressor. Abhay chooses to converse with the psychological militant.

Balwinder approaches Malishka. Malishka tells Balwinder that he has a great deal of guts to compromise her Father. Balwinder shares with Malishka” your Father called me a canine then you didn’t let out the slightest peep that is the reason I chose to show what I can do”. He says he told everything to Lakshmi. He says now Lakshmi will trust him.

Malishka says Lakshmi won’t ever trust him since she is an old sort woman. She additionally confides in Rishi on the grounds that he wore Mangalsutra to Lakshmi. Balwinder supposes “in the event that it’s like that, I will obliterate the Mangalsutra then I will see what occurs.”

Neelam becomes stressed over Rishi. Virendra says there is no need as Lakshmi went to bring Rishi. Neelam says that is the reason she is concerned and says Lakshmi is the motivation behind why we are in this wreck. Virendra and Shalu safeguard Lakshmi yet Neelam doesn’t pay attention to them yet faults Lakshmi for what’s going on today.

Monish asks the fear mongers where are Rishi and Lakshmi. A fear monger attempts to make sense of to Monish however Monish doesn’t pay attention to him and kills him out of resentment. The prisoners alarm seeing this. Monish says he needs Rishi and Lakshmi.

Rishi conveys Lakshmi and puts her on the seat and asks how is she. Lakshmi says she is fine. Rishi begins reprimanding her as he stresses over her. Lakshmi asks Rishi not to talk now. Rishi embraces Lakshmi to diminish her pressure. Lakshmi asks Rishi what’s happening with she. Rishi reminds Lakshmi that once she moved his pressure to herself now he is moving her agony to himself. Rishi embraces Lakshmi.

Malishka runs into a fear monger. Abhay orders the fear monger to let her go. The psychological oppressor follows the request. Malishka asks Abhay how could he make it happen. Abha says he made an arrangement with this fear based oppressor and tells the psychological militant that Malishka and her mother ought to leave.

The fear based oppressor says he is terrified as Monish could do without tricksters. Abhay says there is compelling reason need to stress and says he will give him more cash assuming that he needs and says Rishi likewise leaves with them.

Lakshmi is demonstrated to get tired. Balwinder wears a cover and accompanies a blade. Rishi sees him and tells Lakshmi that he will come in 2 min. Rishi goes to deal with Balwinder.

Also read: BhagyaLakshmi Written Update 14th September 2022

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