BhagyaLakshmi Written Update 11th October 2022 on
Episode begins with Guddu attempting to prevent Balwinder from what he is considering doing for example killing Rishi. Guddu says Malishka will kill him in the event that she can read his minds. Balwinder says as tomorrow is Dusshera alongside Raavan, Rishi will likewise be scorched. Balwinder asks Guddu to simply uphold him.
Ayush informs Suppu regarding where to put Raavan’s doll and they discuss it. Balwinder comes to the Oberoi house masked as one of the specialists.
Sonia sees the dress and expresses gratitude toward Neelam thinking she brought the dresses for her. Neelam says she didn’t bring the dresses for her. Sonia again takes a gander at the dress and says she realizes who brought this dress and defies Lakshmi about for what reason did she bring the dress.
Sonia faults Lakshmi and inquires as to whether she gave these dresses to help her to remember that occurrence? Rishi advises Sonia to quit talking against Lakshmi. Sonia actually doesn’t stop. Dadi yells at Sonia and requests that she shut up. Sonia actually doesn’t and remarks on Lakshmi. Dadi inquires as to whether she will wear these dresses or not.
Sonia says she won’t wear them and consumes them and leaves. Dadi asks Lakshmi for what good reason does she remain quiet regardless of whether they talk against her? Lakshmi says today is Dusshera and she doesn’t need anyone temperament ruined that is the reason she said nothing. Dadi acclaims Lakshmi for what she said.
Bani and Shalu prepare to go to the Oberoi house. Bani acclaims Shalu’s hoops. Neha asks Shalu for her studs and says those hoops suit her more. Shalu doesn’t consent to give her. Neha considers Rano and shares with Rano that she needs Shalu’s studs. Rano inquires as to for what reason does she need Shalu’s hoops as she has a ton of them.
Neha agrees with Rano to a particular position and says with those studs Shalu is looking very great and with it she could take Ayush’s heart. Rano hearing this requests that Shalu give her hoops to Neha. Shalu gives Neha her studs. Rano and Neha leave. Rano requests that Shalu lock the house. Bani solaces Shalu. Shalu shares with Bani to search for the keys.
While Ayush is investigating the Dusshera adornments. Lakshmi brings tea for everybody. Ayush prods Lakshmi. Rishi asks Lakshmi for some tea. Lakshmi shares with Rishi for that he needs to applaud her. Rishi says he doesn’t require tea then, at that point. Lakshmi says she is kidding and gives him tea.
Balwinder sees Lakshmi and Rishi and remarks on them. Malishka and Kiran come to Oberoi house. Rishi sees Malishka and goes to welcome her. Rishi gives Malishka an easygoing embrace. Kiran tells Rishi that now it is seeming to be a celebration and without him Malishka is spiritless. Malishka likewise says she appealed to God for him to get back home before Dusshera and it worked out.
Rishi says thanks to Malishka. Rishi and Malishka discuss how they celebrated last year Dusshera. Rishi gets a call and later leaves from that point. Rishi comes and shares with Lakshmi that Virendra is calling. Lakshmi advises Rishi to go with Malishka and says then he will have more opportunities to embrace her. Rishi tells Lakshmi that he just nonchalantly embraced her. Lakshmi asks then for what reason doesn’t he simply wed everybody? Lakshmi shares with Ayush they need to go as Virendra is calling.
Shalu comes to Oberoi chateau and notification that no one is in the house. Shalu seed Rishi and asks where is everybody. Rishi says they generally celebrate in the back yard. Shalu inquires as to whether there is any work. Rishi says OK and says Lakshmi is furious with him. Shalu says it is absurd. Rishi says Lakshmi is truly furious with him. Shalu expresses then there is just a single justification for it.