BhagyaLakshmi 8th June 2022 Written Update:

BhagyaLakshmi 8th June 2022 Written Update on

The episode begins with Neelam embracing Karishma saying congrats. Karishma says Lakshmi needs to embarrass us and requests that she go to the kitchen. After Neelam, Virendra and Rishi likewise go to the kitchen. Lakshmi shares with Neelam the sacks are absent. Neelam asks we inquired as to whether you could do this or not and you said you could. Lakshmi says sorry. Neelam faults Lakshmi and says she is doing this deliberately. Neelam hyper-extends her lower leg. Virendra and Rishi take her to her room. Malishka asks Lakshmi for what good reason does she hurt Neelam aunt likewise and says she will count everything with her.

Neelam requests that Virendra and Rishi go to the visitors. Shiv comes and checks the injury and says she really wants total bed rest. Shiv gives the solution to them and leaves. Neelam shares with Virendra that they need to deal with everything. Neelam says she is just stressed over Malishka and tells Virendra to act like her.

Ahana comes into the kitchen and shares with Lakshmi that she prefers Gautam and Gautam likes her so the match is set. Lakshmi embraces Ahana and says well done. Ayush sees this and says to annihilate the match. Ahana inquires as to why. Ayush says to ask her. Lakshmi and Aysuh contend. Malishka hears what they say and contemplate internally I will embarrass you and I will think of an answer then everybody will commend me. Malishka says she previously expressed Shankar to get ready mainland food and he is bringing it here. Ayush expresses thanks to Malishka.

Lakshmi says however currently the food is ready so we can take it and put it there and the mainland food will come soon. Ayush concurs with the thought. They take food. Malishka figures they won’t cherish Indian food. Sudha sees the food and says I let you know that they don’t have this food. Ayush says Malishka requested food and it’s coming and up to that point you can taste food arranged by Lakshmi. Gautham says they are can’t say much about this food. Karishma approaches Lakshmi and reproves her. Virendra likewise faults Lakshmi for concealing the packs to get them offended. Malishka gets a call that food has shown up. She goes to gather the food. Gautham tastes sweet and tells it’s flavorful. He requests that his folks taste it. Gujral’s taste the food and they wind up cherishing it. Mr. Gujral requests that Ahana gain from Lakshmi. Ahana concurs.

Malishka brings mainland food. Dadi requests that she send back the food as they are wanting to eat Indian food and they believe Ahana should make it for them post marriage. Malishka gets stunned. Mr. Gujral says they can fix the commitment following 2 days. Ayush whistles joyfully. Lakshmi sees Rishi joyfully. Rishi turns his face. Malishka tosses mainland food in the sink and is irritated over her demolished arrangement. Kiran calls Malishka and inquires as to whether Gujral’s requests recipes.

Malishka says they are asking Lakshmi as they cherished her Indian food and applauding her. She detaches the call. Lakshmi inquires as to why she is squandering great without knowing the worth. She picks the food from the sink saying she will take care of birds or creatures and says she won’t get the food squandered in her home. Malishka says your home. Lakshmi says OK, my home and my better half. She says they might like this food moreover. Malishka cautions her to never come close them. Lakshmi inquires as to why she requested this food? Malishka looks on.

Also read: BhagyaLakshmi 7th June 2022 Written Update

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