BhagyaLakshmi 29th June 2022 Written Update:

BhagyaLakshmi 29th June 2022 Written Update on

The episode begins with Karishma requesting that Pandit start the tilak custom. Sonia and Ayush bother Gautham to reconsider his choice. Mr. And Mrs. Gujral say they are fixed that Ahana is their girl in regulation. Pandit begins the custom. He requests the sibling from Ahana to put tilak to Ahana and Gautham. Neelam says Rishi isn’t at home. Dadi requests that Ayush play out the custom. Ayush gets it done. Pandit requests the mother from the lady of the hour to take care of sweet to the couple. Karishma requests that Neelam feed the sweet. Neelam takes care of them sweet telling significance of it. Mrs. Gujral requests that Gautham feed sweet to Neelam. Neelam eats a little piece. Karishma says Neelam is fit. Dadi brings up those activities. Everybody grin.

Pandit requests that they give their gifts. Karishma gifts Gautham chain and Watch. She advises they are getting official consent to meet one another. Mrs. Gujral requests that they start the commitment. Dadi says it won’t begin without her exhibition. She requests that Mukesh start the music and moves for Pallu latke tune with Ayush. Everybody partakes in the authorization.

The appointed authority says you neglected to utilize the time and I asked you all to come in the first part of the day yet you arrived at in the early evening. Rishi says Lakshmi’s wellbeing isn’t great that is the reason we went to the emergency clinic. Lakshmi concurs and tells her that she confronted a corrosive assault. Rishi inquires as to why she is advising all that to Judge. Rishi inquires as to why she is clearing up everything for the adjudicator. Lakshmi says you’re accusing me that is the reason. They contend with one another. The adjudicator requests that they quit squabbling as there is no time for it any longer. She leaves letting them know she will meet them after noon. Lakshmi says thanks to God for giving her time. She remembers to call Ahana to understand what occurred there.

Everybody lauds Dadi’s exhibition. Ahana figures she didn’t get Lakshmi’s call. She calls Lakshmi once more and becomes acquainted with Lakshmi’s versatile is as yet turned off.

Dadi says the new couple ought to move and everybody demands it. Gautham expresses sorry to Ahana while they dance and says as everybody demands it he was unable to say no. Rishi inquires as to whether there is any spot to eat. Lakshmi shows a Dhaba. Rishi requests her to eat. She says no. Rishi says she will get acridity on the off chance that she doesn’t eat. Lakshmi says let it work out. Rishi Comments on her and advises her to come. Rishi says he is ravenous and requests that she come. Lakshmi requests that Rishi begin eating and she will participate in a moment. Rishi sees that Lakshmi is calling somebody. Lakshmi attempts to call Ahana yet the call doesn’t go.

Dadi praises their dance and favors them. Dadi says they ought to take a family photograph. Sonia takes a selfie of the family. Sonia says she will put it via web-based entertainment. Ahana expresses no to put the selfie via virtual entertainment. Mrs. Gujral gets some information about it. Ahana says she could do without it. Sonia says she previously put it via virtual entertainment. Karishma says there is compelling reason need to stress she will deal with it. Neelam calls Rishi and asks him. Neelam says Rishi said as it is noon. It is requiring investment to get the desk work. Ahana thinks and afterward takes her telephone to call Lakshmi.

Ahana sees there is a missed call from Lakshmi. Gautham inquires as to whether everything is okay. Ahana says no I came clean about my past truly. I got some information about it to your folks. Yet, you didn’t. Gautham says sorry. He requests that her what do. Ahana tosses her telephone out of frustration as she can’t call Lakshmi. Mrs. Gujral gets some information about something. Gautham says she called Lakshmi and the call didn’t go and she is stressed over it.

Malishka calls Ahana and Gautham for the ring function. Malishka asks how are the rings. Karishma says they are pretty. Malishka gives her ring. Karishma advises her to fail to remember Lakshmi. Mrs. Gujral says to converse with Lakshmi let her discussion what is the issue in it. Neelam says sorry and says you realize Rishi and Lakshmi are taking a separation and that is today. What’s more, behind each separation there is an explanation. Karishma figures Neelam will enlighten them concerning Lakshmi’s pregnancy.

Also read: BhagyaLakshmi 28th June 2022 Written Update

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