BhagyaLakshmi 11th August 2022 Written Update:

BhagyaLakshmi 11th August 2022 Written Update on

Ayush conversing with himself. Something has tumbled from the bathroom. How might something tumble from that point as no one is there? Durga Devi comes and asks Ayush what is he doing here. Ayush says he was searching for her. Ayush asks what is she doing here. Durga Devi says she is searching for that Pandit who took off.

Balwinder thinks my misfortune is great. At the point when Balwinder comes out he sees that Ayush and Durga Devi are talking and his phony facial hair tumbles down. Balwinder adversaries inside to stow away. Ayush says Noone ran outside he should be still in the house. Durga Devi asks again would you say you are certain? Ayush says he is certain.

Dadi discusses the mishap. Neelam asks what is he thinking. Karishma says these sort of mishaps some of the time occur. Rishi says I know some of the time mishaps occur in the event that not a mishap then, at that point, will attempt to hurt Lakshmi. Neelam says this is our home Noone has the guts to make it happen. Rishi helps to remember what Balwinder did and we didn’t figure out who is the kne that gabe him the news that Lakshmi is pregnant. I asked you let me get reality out of Balwinder yet you didn’t let me. Presently you are seeing its ramifications.

The phony facial hair falls close to Ayush and he sees that it is a phony facial hair growth and he recollects that it is the Pandits and goes inside to track down him. Lakshmi considers what occurred. Lakshmi thinks say thanks to God the cleric asked me to Jal Abhishke and Neelam. As Neelam is additionally this house little girl in regulation. In the event that she got the shock I don’t have any idea what are the results. Lakshmi comes into the room and Balwinder stows away from her. Balwinder sees that it is Lakshmi and thinks it is Bhoot of Lakshmi. Balwinder considers requesting pardoning from the Bhoot of Lakshmi. Balwinder cowers and requests absolution infront of Lakshmi.

Rishi sees that the Pandit is considering something. Rishi asks the Pandit what’s up. The genuine Pandit ji calls attention to there is no Jal Abhishek required in this Pooja. I thought it was great and permitted it to work out. The Pandit asks them for absolution. Rishi says that Pandit probably won’t be a genuine Pandit he may be Balwinder.

Balwinder apologizes to Lakshmi and says I did this on the request for Malishka and Kiran to get payback he advises her to get back at them. At the point when he opens the eyes he sees that it is Malishka and not Lakshmi there. Malsihka slaps him and asks weakling you took my name and saying my name infront of Lakshmi. Balwinder says everybody cherishes their life. Lakshmi came as a Bhoot. Malishka says Lakshmi is alive. Balwinder and Malishka discuss her and Durga Devi. Malishka requests that Balwinder take off from here. Lakshmi hears it. Malishka acknowledges Lakshmi is emerging. She requests that he stow away.

Lakshmi emerges and sees room is unfilled. She thinks whose words she heard as nobody is there. Malishka slams into Ayush. He conceals facial hair from her. He inquires as to whether she is coming from the visitor room. She requests that he not explore her. He tells her his mother is looking through her. Malishka leaves.

Ayush meets Lakshmi and tells her that flow shock isn’t occurred inadvertently and it’s a preplanned endeavor by Malishka. Rishi says he won’t leave the individual who attempted to kill Lakshmi. Neelam says the police will deal with it and she requests that he not include in it. Sonia concurs. Rishi says Lakshmi is his better half and he really wants to deal with her.

Lakshmi asks how he knows. Ayush says his senses are letting him know that Malishka is behind this assault and she needs to eliminate you to wed Rishi. Lakshmi says Malishka can’t stoop this low. Ayush shows a phony facial hair growth to Lakshmi. He tells counterfeit pandit is in the visitor room and he can’t escape from it as ground floor police small there. They go to look through room. Malishka spies them and thinks Ayush speculated everything accurately. She assumes she needs to get away from Balwinder.

Rishi says Lakshmi is our obligation and I won’t leave the individual who attempted to kill her. Neelam says we care for you that is the reason we don’t believe you should accept regulation on your hands. Virendra upholds Neelam. Dadi requests that Rishi be with Lakshmi then nobody can contact her. Neelam says how about we complete pooja. Dadi says Lakshmi needs to complete it. Balwinder figures how to get away. He hears somebody is coming so he stows away. Lakshmi and Ayush go into the room. Malishka comes behind them. Ayush thinks he anticipated her appearance.

Also read: BhagyaLakshmi 10th August 2022 Written Update

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