Scene begins with Kiran let Karishma know that she is Malishka’s mother and wouldn’t have hung tight for Rishi assuming she was on her place. She says I would have left him long back. She says Malishka loves Rishi and is extremely difficult. She says she will wed Viraj, however she doesn’t cherish him,
in case Rishi doesn’t leave Lakshmi. She says decision is of Oberois, and says do anything you desire, tell anything to Lakshmi or toss her out. She says assuming you need my little girl to wed Rishi, and says Malishka is unreliable and she will get security. Karishma asks how? Kiran says Rishi will leave Lakshmi for this.
Rishi hears Neelam conversing with Malishka. Neelam lets Malishka know that she prefers her and realizes that she has consistently upheld Rishi. She says I will always remember your blessings and says much obliged. Malishka goes out. Rishi comes inside to converse with Neelam. Neelam says I am so pleased with you, you didn’t do what Malishka needs.
She says I am glad by heart that you saved my statement and wedded Lakshmi for a year. She says the markesh dosh will be forceful all the year. He figures I didn’t see the kundali dosh, however Lakshmi and ponders her. Neelam says in the event that you had left Lakshmi before the year, then, at that point, anything can happen to you. She says assuming you had hitched Malishka then I couldn’t ever have acknowledge her as my bahu. She says thanks to him for keeping the guarantee and for not leaving Lakshmi. She embraces Rishi.
Malishka comes there and requests Kiran to make game plans from her marriage. Karishma says Malishka. Malishka goes. Karishma goes to Neelam. Neelam says on the off chance that Malishka doesn’t completely accept that my words then even I could do without her. She says I won’t chance my child’s life for her frailties. Karishma says however. Neelam says we will go to the visitors. She goes with Rishi.
Viraj lets Malishka know that they will leave now. Dadu says I have welcomed Lakshmi’s family and inquires as to whether they have consent, then, at that point, would i be able to take her for certain hours. He says my bahu will gain from your bahu, and says he is certain Malishka will figure out how to make tea from Lakshmi. He inquires as to whether she will educate her. Lakshmi grins. Dadu inquires as to whether she will gain from Lakshmi. Malishka says ofcourse, how might I reject you.
Lakshmi says even I concur. Dadu salutes everybody. He lets Lakshmi know that she will show Malishka another day and requests that she go to sanctuary, as she was going. Lakshmi says I will take charges to instruct her. Everybody is shocked. Dada ji asks what? Lakshmi says I need to take Viraj and Malishka to sanctuary and get them favored by Mata Rani. Viraj expresses gratitude toward her for asking such extraordinary charges. Malishka says you are correct.
Ayush says everything is great assuming that end is great. Neelam asks Ayush, for what reason didn’t you let me know that Malishka’s marriage is fixed. She says I might have prevented her from consenting to this marriage and would have taken out her weaknesses. Ayush says he arrived behind schedule and in the first part of the day, this is skipped from his brain. Karishma tells Neelam that Lakshmi persuaded viraj to wed Malishka. He says Malishka concurred as Viraj concurred. Dadi inquires as to whether she is a milk taken care of child and tells that no one constrained her to wed Viraj.
Bhagya Lakshmi 4th December 2021 Written Story:
She requests that she end the matter. Neelam says Mummy ji is correct. She says Malishka concurred for marriage, there is an explanation. She says Malishka is insecured and apprehensive as Lakshmi came. Karishma says it is self-evident. Neelam asks how will I respond, will I request that Rishi leave Lakshmi. She says Rishi can’t leave Lakshmi for a year, he must be with her for a year. She says I won’t allow this union with break at any expense and goes. Virender figures Rishi will be of Lakshmi following a year. He thinks everybody is tolerating Lakshmi gradually and will cherish her.
In the sanctuary, Rishi requests that Malishka hear him. Lakshmi requests that Malishka give the plate to Pandit ji and says he will do puja and will offer the bhog to God. She requests that she remain with Viraj. Malishka goes to Viraj upset. Lakshmi calls Rishi. He remains with Lakshmi. Lakshmi gives her plate to Pandit ji. Pandit ji favors her. Lakshmi requests that Malishka give plate to Pandit ji. She inquires as to whether they came to sanctuary like this interestingly. Viraj says OK, you brought us here.
Lakshmi says Mata Rani needs to favor your connection, I am only the way. She calls Rishi. Rishi holds Lakshmi’s hand. Lakshmi says everybody will shut their eyes and appeal to Mata Rani. She then, at that point, requests that Rishi ask anything from Mata Rani. They all overlap their hands. Malishka and rishi check out one another. They all implore Mata Rani. Lakshmi implores you are the mother of the world and you gave me everything even before I inquired. Malishka implores and thinks you have grabbed my Rishi from me and requests that she let her get Rishi.
Lakshmi supplicates that anything Rishi desires, will get assuming it is for the family’s advancement. Pandit ji returns their plate. Lakshmi requests that Pandit ji favor Malishka and Viraj, and says they are getting hitched. Pandit ji says alright and showers blossom petals on them and does their tilak. He then, at that point, says Mata Rani will keep you favored and you both will be cheerful consistently. He then, at that point, asks Lakshmi, in case Rishi is her better half. Lakshmi says OK.
Pandit ji does likewise customs with them and applies them tilak. Malishka takes a gander at them. Pandit ji offers them prasad. Rishi advances his hand to take it. Pandit ji requests that they take the prasad together. They take the prasad together. Primary phir bhi tumko plays… ..
Lakshmi and Rishi emerge from the sanctuary. Lakshmi asks Viraj, how can he feel coming here? Viraj says awesome. They go talking. Rishi holds Malishka’s hand and requests that she proceed to educate Viraj concerning their adoration and undertaking. Malishka requests that he proceed to tell him. She says even I need you to come clean to the entire world, not simply Viraj.
She incites him and inquires as to whether he didn’t have the boldness. He says he will come clean to Viraj now itself and goes. Malishka grins. Lakshmi and Viraj hang tight for them remaining close to the vehicle. Viraj says they were behind us. They see Rishi and Malishka come. Viraj says assuming something occurred between them, for what reason would they say they are looking furious? Lakshmi says I will converse with them. She sees a quick vehicle coming and requests that Rishi stop.
Rishi stops. She then, at that point, sees a transient going to get hit by the vehicle, and hurries to save him. Rishi yells Lakshmi and races to her. Lakshmi saves the old person/hobo. The old person favors Lakshmi for saving his life and favors her to get a caring spouse. Lakshmi says God has given me as of now.
Precap :Malishka figures Rishi will go to her home to converse with her. Rishi goes to her home utilizing steps and lets Malishka know that he will wed her following a year. Ayush and lakshmi go to Malishka’s home and ring the entryway chime. Rishi says I will check. Lakshmi says it appears there is no one at home and says we will come tomorrow. Rishi says I am coming. Lakshmi and Ayush quit hearing him. Rishi opens the entryway.