Bhagya Lakshmi 27th December 2021 Written Update:

Episode begins with Malishka let Rishi know that he generally like this and says you embraced her infront of me. Rishi says you realizes who embraced first and says I simply love you and embraces her. Malishka requests that he resemble this consistently, she shows the saree and goes to attempt it. Rishi attempts sehra on his head, all of a sudden the tempest comes. He eliminates it.

Sanjay requests that Lakshmi go to side, and says he will pick every one of the fallen things. Lakshmi is in shock and considers Pandit ji meeting Neelam. Rishi reviews Ayush asking him not to release Lakshmi. He ponders Lakshmi and her words, inquiring as to whether he will leave her.

Malishka comes wearing the garments for the wedding and asks how am I looking? She asks Rishi, and afterward really takes a look at herself in the mirror. She says she is looking dumb. Rishi says you are solid, however haven’t worn the saree appropriately. She requests that he say that it sometimes falls short for her. He says it is great.

She requests that he call Lakshmi and requests that he help how to wrap saree to his new spouse. Rishi gets some information about Lakshmi, and says she is having a perfect heart and confided in us, and inquires as to why you talk awful with regards to her. Malishka requests that he unwind.

Rishi says I am making her extremely upset and even you. He says Lakshmi didn’t do any slip-up, and says I am egotistical to wed her to save my life, and you are childish to persuade me for the marriage. He expresses what will occur with Lakshmi, when she comes to know reality, says she will be broken.

He cries and says she will feel awful to realize that she was being utilized. He says you talk terrible with regards to her, yet the facts really confirm that we as a whole are awful. He says at whatever point you talk awful with regards to her, I feel torment and get injured.

Rishi says assuming one gets treachery in adoration, then, at that point, that individual can’t confide in anybody. He says when she comes to realize that everything was lie before marriage and I love you Malishka, whom she cherishes a great deal, is a modest person. He separates and cries contemplating Lakshmi. He says I am heartbroken. Malishka requests that he stop it.

Pandit ji checks the kundali and lets Neelam know that he wouldn’t have come assuming all is well. He gets some information about Rishi. Neelam says he went to office, yet will come soon. Virender comes and welcomes him. Sonia gives him specs. Neelam requests that they hush up for at some point. He says Markesh dosh haven’t gone from him, he is fine as he got hitched to Lakshmi. Lakshmi is strolling.

Bhagya Lakshmi 23rd December 2021 Written Update:

Rishi says I will be glad that I am wedding you, however I am upset as I am double-crossing Lakshmi. Malishka reviews Karishma’s words and says you are saying this, as you are enthusiastic and delicate. She says whatever is bound to occur, will occur and requests that he prepare quick as Pandit ji would be coming, and grin for her. Rishi says when Lakshmi grins, I feel better and says her grin will be evaporated because of me. He says you can’t comprehend my circumstances.

Malishka asks him not to think all that and says all will be great. Rishi says I said that you won’t comprehends, I bombed her. Malishka says I am going out, requests that he come out when prepared. Pandit ji tells that Markesh dosh is reemerging in Rishi’s life again and says her kundali quiet down Rishi’s dosh, why there is risk on his life. Malishka considers Karishma and Abhay’s words, and thinks they said right.

She thinks I need to wed Rishi today itself in any conditions, and my marriage will break Lakshmi and his marriage. Karishma says now Rishi is hitched to Lakshmi and her kundali is supporting him, so what is the difficulty? Lakshmi hears them and requests to come clean, says I realize that all of you are concealing truth from me. She requests that Virender come clean with what is? She asks Dadi.

Malishka opens the entryway and observes somebody remaining there. She says you. Lakshmi says I have heard Rishi is in harm’s way and requests that they come clean. She says all of you love him, and informs Pandit ji concerning her fantasy, which needed to tell her something. Pandit ji asks what did you find in the fantasy. Lakshmi says Rishi was disappearing from me and I told him everything, except he didn’t pay attention to me. Neelam says why you didn’t tell me and chastens her. She says on the off chance that anything wrong will occur with Rishi.

Kiran expresses what do you believe that I will let you what you needed to.. Malishka says you went to Maasi’s home as she was unwell. Kiran says I realize that you needed me to go a long way from you, and says I am not your father who left you, and says I can’t let you be in this time. She says individuals gets discouraged and forlorn. She says your Maasi lie was gotten and requests that she come inside.

Malishka figures Mom don’t be familiar with my arrangements. Kiran drinks water. Malishka requests that she let her be today, and requests that she go. Kiran asks what has occurred? Pandit ji comes there and thumps on the entryway. Kiran welcomes him and looks amazed seeing him there.

Malishka says I have kept puja at home. Kiran says you can’t wear saree without my assistance. Malishka says she was frightened and kept puja for harmony. Kiran says I comprehend and won’t utter a word. She says I will address your saree. Malishka says I will check on the web and do, and goes. Malishka figures she will wed Rishi today.

Neelam inquires as to for what reason did you let him go alone, assuming that you are familiar the risk. Rishi says I can’t peruse his kundali now. Neelam asks what will happen now. Pandit ji says I need to go. Lakshmi requests that he express what is written in Rishi’s kundali and says she will do anything for him. Pandit ji asks didn’t you know?

Precap :Neelam says assuming anything happens to my child, then, at that point, Lakshmi will be mindful. Lakshmi thinks to bring Rishi securely home. Neelam says my child can’t conflict with me. Virender says assuming he goes then, at that point? Lakshmi arrives at Malishka’s home and sees Rishi taking rounds with her. She gets broken and stunned.

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