Bhagya Lakshmi 22 February 2022 Written Update:

Bhagya Lakshmi 22 February 2022 Written Update: The episode begins with Neelam requesting that Rakesh save her child. Rajesh advises it’s his obligation to save everybody and he tells they are making a decent attempt to save them and he chats with higher authorities that they will get time assuming they send the key inside. Media questions Virendra why he came and who is in the bank connected with him. Virendra tells his child. Constable shields him from the media. Virendra in tears goes to god to save his child. Karishma attempts to comfort Neelam. Ayush asks what sort of game is this. Arjun tells I’m hanging tight for the examiner’s call so I really want a few game for amusement and he requests that Rishi pick whom he cherishes more.

Rishi says he cherishes Malishka. Lakshmi cries. Arjun says the game is finished and I need to kill the individual whom you love more in the event that you didn’t get the expert key. Hooligans point a firearm at Malishka. Arjun requests that they point at Lakshmi. Bhuvan inquires as to why? Arjun says Rishi is offering something however his expectations are unique and did you all perceive how he responded when Lakshmi is at serious risk.

Malishka requests that they point a weapon at her and tells he cherishes me and he brought an affection card to me. Arjun tells it’s for Lakshmi. Rishi inquires as to why they are including his own life. Lakshmi tells it’s not so much for her. Malishka requests that he give her the hello card. Rishi reviews his second with Lakshmi and tells he lost it.

Arjun gets Inspector call and advises him to give the way in to the individual whom I’m sending and don’t remember to keep him with you as his life is at our gunpoint and don’t follow him as well. Rakesh requests that he pass on the prisoners to get the key. Arjun consents to deliver 4 prisoners. Rajesh lets Patel know that 4 prisoners are coming. Neelam appeals to God for Ayush and Rishi. Kiran sees the theft news on telephone and feels stressed for Malishka and she calls Rishi and Malishka yet their telephones are turned off then she requests that her driver count on her of reserve funds.

Arjun plays the game to pick 4 individuals. Arjun requests that Shipra not eliminate the blade from Lakshmi’s neck. Rishi beats the looter. Everybody runs this way and that. Arjun discharge the weapon. Lakshmi has a stressed outlook on Rishi’s life. Shalu tells Ayush and Malishka will deal with him and we have just you so ponder us and how about we stow away. They race to stow away. Bhuvan got Rishi.

BhagyaLakshmi 21 February 2022 Written Update:

Arjun in Mike cautions Lakshmi that he will shoot Rishi in the event that she doesn’t return. He switches off Mike and tells I will show you what’s genuine romance and she will come here for her adoration as she cherishes Rishi. Lakshmi comes there. Rishi takes a gander at her inwardly. Malishka asks what’s going on here? how the entire world can see your affection and why you’re saying you love me Rishi. Arjun requests that they stop their film for quite a while and requests that her men fix the camera for Rishi. Ayush lets them know he will go with Rishi. Arjun concurs.

Bhuvan requests that they stay. Rishi tells everybody feels that I love Lakshmi including you yet it’s my consideration for herself and I love Malishka and that is the reason I brought the card and he takes out the card. Ayush inquires as to for what reason didn’t he give the card assuming he have it. Rishi tells he recognized the agony and feelings clearly and she feels each word in this card and how might she love me so much despite the fact that I hurt her and she returns card telling it’s not for herself as well as it’s for Malishka but rather I didn’t say OK.

Ayush advises you to adore her. Bhuvan comes there and fixes the camera to Rishi’s shirt and requests that they choose subsequent to arriving at home. Arjun cautions Rishi saying they will circumvent killing Lakshmi assuming he releases their data. Rishi requests that Ayush stay with Lakshmi and Shalu and he leaves with the Robbers. Ayush figures god will rejoin Lakshmi and Rishi.

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