Bhagya Lakshmi 11th December 2021 Written Story:

Scene begins with Rishi asking Malishka not to enlighten anybody regarding their mysterious wedding. Malishka asks to Lakshmi? He asks did I take anybody’s name and tells that he is intense. He says Mom will not have any familiarity with our mysterious marriage, her heart will break and I would rather not hurt her. She got me hitched to Lakshmi and needs me to regard this connection. Malishka says fine, it will be our mystery. Rishi embraces Malishka. Lakshmi is coming there.

Malishka says I have gripe with you, I try to avoid you to really focus on Lakshmi. Rishi says I will mind Lakshmi and says we will not discuss her. Malishka says then we will discuss Viraj. Rishi says alright I won’t think often about her. Lakshmi comes there. Rishi gets some information about Malishka and him. He says you question. Lakshmi says I don’t question on you both and says once I had question on you, yet not once more. She tells that she needed to perceive how Malishka is, however isn’t stressed as you are with her.

She says I was looking through you with the goal that I can give this paper to you. Rishi gets stunned and asks did you peruse? Lakshmi says no. Rishi says alright. Lakshmi says alright, I will leave. She goes out. Malishka is stunned seeing Rishi explaining her. Lakshmi strolls seeing them and crashes into the entryway. Rishi rushes to her and requests that she show her face to him. Lakshmi keeps her head on his shoulder. Malishka prepares and is going to go, contemplating Abhay’s words.

Rishi holds Malishka’s hand. She gets over his hand and goes. Rishi requests that Lakshmi be cautious and requests that she sit. Lakshmi says it is tormenting. Rishi says you will watch out. Lakshmi asks where is Malishka? Rishi says she is proceeded to inquire as to for what reason is she worried for her. Lakshmi says I did nothing deliberately and inquires as to for what reason would you say you are reprimanding me? Rishi says sorry. Lakshmi says don’t say unfortunately don’t reprimand me.

He says this is my normal response, assuming anything happens to you. She says you are with me. Rishi says I am with you today, might be I won’t be with you tomorrow. Lakshmi keeps hand on his mouth and says don’t say this, and tells that she isn’t Lakshmi in case he isn’t with her. She says I will cry, as you talked such thing. He says I am not appropriate for you. Lakshmi requests that he say sorry. Rishi says sorry.

Bhagya Lakshmi 10th December 2021 Written Story

Lakshmi says you are written in my predetermination, there is no one appropriate for me other than me, I am fortunate that you are mine, and will remain mine consistently. He gets enthusiastic and says something went in his eye. Lakshmi blows in his eye. Ayush comes there and grins. He says Rishi Bhai… says sorry for breaking their second. He says everybody was leaving and was inquiring as to yourself both, I will concoct some rationalization. Lakshmi goes out. Ayush requests that Rishi come.

Neelam returns home and heard Rishi and Malishka. Karishma chides the driver and requests that he get back home. Neelam advises her that she needs to meet Kiran and requests that she call her. Karishma inquires as to whether all is great. Neelam says simply ensure that she comes. Karishma calls Kiran and says Neelam Bhabhi called you here. Kiran inquires as to whether everything is great. Karishma says something is significant and requests that she come. Kiran closes the call and asks Malishka. Malishka doesn’t say anything significant. Kiran inquires as to whether anything occurred among you and Rishi. Malishka doesn’t say anything has occurred.

Lakshmi requests that Rishi put on something else and provide for him, as she needs to give it for launder. She goes to the gallery and sees him standing. She asks what was the deal? Rishi says the manner in which I responded, the manner in which I conversed with you, I shouldn’t have conversed with you like that. She asks what? He says when you came in the room when Malishka and I were talking, I figured you will question. Lakshmi says don’t think a lot and says marriage is definitely not a game that will be broken assuming any slip-up occurs, or rebuff the other.

She says it was my mix-up to question you previously, and says I had done just one mix-up in our connection. Rishi says you have settled it as well. Lakshmi says I comprehended my misstep and says we are people, can do botch, however will understand our slip-up. She holds his hand and says in the event that we see each other like this, then, at that point, we will chuckle together when we get 60 years, as it was Minto and Minty’s discussions. She requests that he grin and not to think a lot. Rishi goes to change. Lakshmi figures she will get back the trust bond.

Malishka blows up and removes her bangles. She reviews Rishi vowing not to mind Lakshmi, but rather then focusing on her the following second. Malishka says how might I trust him, and says God knows whether he will wed me or not, and thinks on the off chance that he weds me then I will trust him and can hang tight for a year, and figures she will know this in only 4 days.

Rishi sees Lakshmi resting on the sofa and feels remorseful. He sits on the floor and says you trust me a great deal, that paper was in your grasp, however at that point additionally you didn’t open it and see. He says you trust me a ton and doesn’t see my misstep and never think me wrong. He says you are looking at carrying on with your all existence with me and what I am doing? He says I am truly heartbroken, I am not appropriate for you, holds her hands and says sorry. Lakshmi awakens and sees him holding her hand. She asks what was the deal?

Rishi doesn’t say anything. Lakshmi requests that he say. Rishi doesn’t say anything and figures how to tell you, whom you give it a second thought and trust is a liar and double-crossing. Lakshmi asks would you like to inconvenience me, No. Also requests that he express what was the deal? Rishi says I am heartbroken. Lakshmi says don’t say me sorry and tell me. Rishi says you are awesome. Lakshmi keeps her hand on her head and says you are stressed over this, will I turn out to be awful? Rishi says I was thinking assuming you get injured in future, or on the other hand in the event that something wrong occurs with you.

Precap :Malishka lets Rishi know that the marriage dress is significant for the lady. Lakshmi comes to purchase the wedding dress for Malishka to the shopping center. Malishka comes there. Rishi and Lakshmi hold a similar dress together. Malishka thinks to show the dress to Rishi. Lakshmi converses with Dada ji and says she enjoyed a dress for Malishka. She thinks she has seen Malishka there.

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