Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 7th March 2022 Written Update:

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 7th March 2022 Written Update: Angoori on telephone with Bhuri outside her home. Angoori gets out whatever happen you don’t miss me, what your significant other buied accessory of 9lakh and request that she share pic and disengages telephone.

ngoori see photograph and says so thais is what it’s look like, my better half purchase nothing for myself and see this Bhuri’s significant other purchasing neckband for her. Vibhuti strolls to her says you like neckband. Angoori says OK I like it and I never saw it face to face. Vibhu expresses out loud whatever you won’t ever see. Angoori tells Vibhu you are saying as though you got numerous neckband with you. Vibhuti says my mother got one. Angoori in shock says she truly have one.

TMT strolls to them Teeka says how about you sell that neckband and give us our cash back. Vibhuti yells at them. Malkhan says Teeka is correct. Tillu says recall you took 5000rs from us. Ace and Gupta come to them. Ace says he took cash from me years back. Gupta says I want cash for that immunization you took and I’m not going yo pay from my pocket I need 1400rs of inoculation.

Malkhan tells Gupta don’t stress over that. Anu come to gallery and hear them talking. Tillu says Helan got accessory worth 9 lakh and request that Vibhu sell it and reapy everybody’s credit. Anu says I’ll not put sanitizer in your eyes assuming somebody attempt to have an awful eye on that neckband. Ace says then the way in which we will get our cash back. Anu says take from the individual who took from you. Angoori says yet Vibhu is jobless.

Anu tells Angoori you are correct yet he is liable for that I’m likewise layered of that and I demand you all not the loan him cash and assuming you give him that will be your obligation not mine and request that Vibhu come inside and cook breakfast. Vibhu leave. Everybody request cash. Angoori request that seller give her vegetable. TMT take vegetable from the seller. Angoori tells them where are you taking every one of these vegetable are you making blend veg.

Tiwari close to tea slow down counting cash. Vibhu strolls to him and he conceals his cash. Vibhu ask him what are you stowing away. Tiwari says nothing I didn’t get anything to stow away. Vibhu says this is valid that you are straightforward individual you are truly astounding. Tiwari gets out whatever are you commending me, what is it that you need.

Vibhuti says on the off chance that you are thinking this, you are correct, he joins his hand and says I really want 500rs in critical if it’s not too much trouble, give me cash for humankind. Tiwari says don’t join your hand, I realize you are in rough shape and I care for you let me know the amount you need. Vibhu says 10,000. Tiwari says it doesn’t matter to me that much you want 500rs pause and he gets call from Anu. Anu welcome her and says tell me in yes or no is Vibhu with you.

Tiwari says OK. Anu says alright did he request cash. He says OK. Anu says did you give him cash. Tiwari says OK he ask me for 500rs so one end is in my grasp and other one in his grasp. Anu says alright take that cash back and don’t give him cash. Tiwari says alright separates telephone and tear the cash in half while grabbing it and flee.

Angoori in kitchen singing and cleaning vegetable. Vibhu strolls to her and applause her for singing and begin acting and says I really want cash if it’s not too much trouble, give me and you will have half of the favors. Angoori says for what reason are you giving me half endowments. Vibhuti says since I’m eager and request that her for cash eat and drink.

Angoori says how about you eat here. Vibhu says I’ll eat yet do you have arrengement for eating something. Angoori says OK we have water. Vibhu says I’m miserable and need another thing to drink. Angoori expresses out loud whatever are you saying. Vibhuti says leave it I’ll eat. Angoori give him a plate to eat and leave.

Prem on telephone says listen you didn’t give me cash that is the reason I shut your shop Pappu Printing Press and your shop will be mine till the time you don’t reimburse me my cash. Vibhu strolls to him. Prem get terrified in the wake of seeing him. Vibhu taunts him and inquire as to for what reason did you frightened. Prem says not me everybody is frightened of you on the grounds that don’t have the foggiest idea how much cash you will take and afterward who will battle with your peril spouse,

presently tell what might I do for you, I’m layered of aiding companions. Vibhu says you have done a great deal for me thanks man. Prem says I’m destined to help companion, I gave 3lakh to one of my companion it’s been 2 years and presently it emerge to be 5lakh with premium however he is write giving me cash and he flee so I shut his shop. Vibhu says for what reason did he run. Prem says I got to realize he use to print something different. Vibhu gets out whatever you will do with this print machine. Prem says assuming you need you can take it yet listen don’t print grown-up magazines or probably we both will be gotten.

Rusa in market says I’ll not leave that person he removed my shoes and run. Malkhan close by shares with Rusa what happen did somebody bother you. Rusa says OK. Malkhan says don’t stress let me know who was he. Rusa says he was restarted fellow, what I did I took one of my shoe in hands and hit him with shoes.

Vibhuti close by seeing them and clicking photographs or Rusa hitting Malkhan. Rusa shares with Malkhan you realize then what happen I figured he will run however he removed my shoe and run, I said stand by give me back my shoe, he said I’ll revere this shoe. Malkhan says don’t stress he took just shoe. Rusa says you realize my three shoe are been taken. Malkhan says those two Teeka and Tillu take it and third one I took it. Rusa in shock.

Vibhu in market early morning close to paper seller. Seller says come thereafter it’s the ideal opportunity for business. Vibhu says I’m talking regarding your benefit. Merchant ask what benefit. Vibhu says I have something, you need to send this magazine in each house with thses paper. Merchant says how might this benifit me.

Vibhu says for first week we will send magzine liberated from cost and when they will get a propensity for fiery news then we will charge them 10rs pre magzine. He ask the amount I’ll get then, at that point. Vibhuti says I’ll give you 1rs per magzine and in the event that you circulate it in 200 house, you will get 200rs each day. Seller says I like this model. Vibhu says yet recall no one should be familiar with it or, in all likelihood I’ll not leave you and leave.

Angoori in garden singing. Paper merchant come and give her paper and request the excess cash. Angoori calls Tiwari. Tiwari strolls to them. Angoori says paper individual is requesting cash. Tiwari ask what occur. Seller says you have an equilibrium of 1300 of the month before. Tiwari give him and he leaves. Vibhu strolls to them and welcome Angoori. Angoori welcome him back.

Tiwari ask do you likewise have this paper Bhandaphod. Vibhuti says OK ofcourse. Tiwari take out magzine and ask do you likewise get this. Vibhu says OK a magzine accompany it Chalu Chikni Chachi. Tiwari says is there any charges. Vibhuti says for jow it’s free and you will cherish the news in this magazine. Tiwari taunts him. Angoori says one time compose it. Tiwari read one of the article and giggles and see the photographs and says there is a fresh insight about Malkhan as well. Vibhu request that he read. Tiwari says Commissioners sister by marriage beat Malkhan with her shoe and everybody giggle. Vibhuti says I’ll leave now.

TMT, Doctor, Prem and Master close to tea slow down. Tillu says how about we read the fresh insight about Chalu Chikni Chachi and read the fresh insight about Malkhan. Gupta says read further as well. Tillu read the article of Malkhan how Rusa beat him with her shoe. Everybody snicker at Malkhan. Malkhan says quit snickering this isn’t accurate and recount the story.

Prem says we can see Rusa is beating you. Malkhan attempt to guard himself. Prem says this isn’t first time I have seen you outside young ladies lodging been hit by them. Tillu ridicules him. Teeka and Tillu says talk regarding him don’t get us between. Specialist and Master ridicules them. Malkhan says pay attention to me cautiously your turn will likewise come and yells listen Chalu Chikni Chachi on the off chance that you can hear me, there are all the more terrible individuals then me in this state.

Vibhuti coming out or squeeze shop, goes to merchant and request tea. Prem strolls to him and ask how is your magzine going on. Vibhu it’s beginning stage and you know things. Prem says that is the reason I’m asking in light of the fact that your magzine have extraordinary reaction in market. Vibhu says so individuals are partaking in my magzine. Prem says they are holding on to realize who is Chalu Chikni Chachi with the goal that they can get payback.

Precap :Angoori shares with Vibhu, Ammaji is representing political race so there should be no imprint on her character. Vibhu says by saying this you gave me and thought for the upcoming article.Next day everybody perusing magzine and giggling. Tiwari move up and leave.

Also read: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 4th March 2022 Written Update

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