Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 5th November 2021 Written Update:

Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 5th November 2021 Vibhu in his bedroom says Anu is wierd I told her to not allow Tiwari in house but she let him be here. Anu walks in Vibhu says a romantic poem for her and says today you are different mood and they both start arguing. Anu says there is no spice in our life. Vibhu says if I prove we have spice in our life then what you’ll do. Anu says prove it now. Vibhu switch off light and goes under sheet

Tiwari drinking and says Angoori I know you are missing me because I’m also missing you, I don’t how I’ll sleep please call me back and sing. Vibhu and Anu doing romance and hear Tiwari singing wakes up. Vibhu shouts at Tiwari says what are you doing, how can anybody do romance in sad song. Anu says try to understand his emotions he is sad. Vibhuti says we were in mood think of ourself. Anu says okay now lets go to sleep. Vibhuti says lets get back to our mood. Anu says go yo bed now. Vibhu curse Tiwari dor singing sad song.

Vibhuti bring coffee for Anu. Tiwari walks in. Anu says good morning come sit. Vibhu says what are you wearing, ask Anu to don’t look at him. Anu says hold on he is just being comfortable go easy in him and says to Tiwari I’ll talk to Angoori when I’ll meet her, will you hvae some coffee. Tiwari says I like tea which Angoori make for me but yes bring coffee for me.

David walks in says you undergarments why are you sitting in undergarments and why are you crying don’t cry have some sweet and give to Anu and Vibhu too. Vibhuti says thanks you are cheering us in bad mood. David say you know how bitter my life is in London because of your Chachi so thought of bringing some sweet in life.

Tiwari says your life is worst then me, you are finding happiness in others people house how lonely you are. David start crying and leaves. Anu says whats wrong with you Tiwari why are you talking like this. Vibhuti says he is bringing negativity in house let me see David. Tiwari says I’ll go and use washroom.

TMT come disguised as cleaning agents and says we find something and want to show you. Tillu says we find a piece of paper. Malkhan give paper and leaves. Vibhuti walks in says what are you reading. Anu says I got a letter for you from Renuka. Vibhu says do I know her. Anu says stop acting and I’m going to read letter.

Also read: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 4th November 2021 Written Update:

Anu read love letter from Renuka and says who is this Renuka. Vibhu says I don’t who is she. Anu says after reading letter I want you to read my lips. Vibhu says love you too. Anu calls OG, LO G and SUNO G and ask them to take Vibhu out.

Angoori sitting on dining table and cleaning vegetable. Vibhuti walks in and sit. Angoori greets her and says why are you sad. Vibhuti says Anu kicked me out. Angoori says again, what you did. Vibhu says Anu get a love letter on which my name was written and it was portrayed as if we were having an affair.

Angoori give him look, Vibhu asks why are you seeing me like that. Angoori says what shame you both are doing tell me one thing, what game you are playing outside having affair. Vibhuti says I’m not having any affair. Angoori says then what about letter Anu got. Vibhu says I have no idea about letter I swear I’m innocent, I came with lots of hope to you, I don’t have place to live, if you don’t mind can you please give me place to live. Angoori says I don’t have any other option I know you don’t have nay respect in colony everyone must have said no to you, help me to clean this you will feel good.

Malkhan says to Tillu and Teeka it was fun doing that. Tillu says talk quietly or someone bhabhiji will hear. Tiwari listing to there conversation. Malkhan say Anu has gone to Angooris house. Teeka says we played well to take revenge from Vibhu. TMT discussing about Vibhu. Tiwari hear everything and calls Tillu. Tillu reply him and realises they did wrong. Tiwari walks to them.

Anu in Angoori’s house talking to her about Tiwari. Angoori says you kicked out Vibhu. Anu says how you know. Angoori says he came to me to live here and said that he is innocent. Tiwari come inside his house with TMT beating them and ask them to remove there disguise. Anu and Angoori in shock and says it that you TMT. Tiwari says there is fourth on too and calls Vibhu. Vibhuti walks in and says he is fourth one. Angoori says with that ponytail it was you.

Tiwari says he is the mastermind of game plan. Angoori asks why you were disguised. Vibhuti says we disguised to earn money, if we would have worked in same clothes then ut would have been disrespectful for us. Angoori says what disrespectful no work is big or small every work has its own dignity and ask Tiwari why are you here I have not forgive you. Tiwari says I didn’t do anything Vibhu write that letter. Vibhuti says no.

Tiwari says then swear on you live most that you didn’t write that letter. Vibhuti says I’ll not swear on Bhabhiji for such small things, I mean your bhabhiji swear I’m talking about Anu. Anu says I’m already mad at you before that I kick you out permanently. Vibhuti says I write that letter and kept it. Angoori says why you did that. Vibhuti says because last night he disrespected me over a small bottle of alcohol.

Tiwari says that was not small bottle and start arguing about that. Anu says wait a minute you were arguing upon size of bottle and it was that important to win argument that you were breaking apart two couples. TMT strat crying. Angoori asks now why are you crying. Malkhan says we wrote letter which Anu got because this man he didn’t give equal share from our earnings. David walks in with sweet and says stop fighting and have sweets, happy holi. Vibhu says its diwali. David says no matter we should be happy.

TMT, Masterji, Prem and Gupta walking in colony. Masterji says I’m feeling happy looiat decoration of morden colony. Malkhan says you are right we just need one bottle and food to celebrate. Gupta says do you think other then food and drink. Tillu says stop fighting lets have fun and celebrate diwali. David walks in with sweet and says if you want to celebrate diwali do it in London you will be go numb.

Ammaji walks in and everyone greets her. Ammaji says its diwali occasion do something celebrate it. Prem says lets burn some crackers. Angoori says no one will burn crackers. Vibhuti flirts with her. Tiwari says what’s wrong with burning crackers. Anu says because we need to take care of environment too and they all wlaks out of there house and everyone wishes eachother. Anu asks Tiwari don’t you care about of environment. Tiwari says I do care for environment.

Angoori says then why you want to light crackers don’t you know it increases pollution. Vibhuti says we nees to care of environment health too if our environment is not fit then how could we. Tiwari says to Vibhu I agree that and I take an oth that I’ll not burn crackers. Saxena walks in and says can you light me then. Everyone wishes happy diwali.

TMT in there house. Rusa walks in and wishes them and says please forgive me I did wrong disrespecting you I’m sorry and says if you are not talking then ill walk away. TMT says stop sing for her and wish her diwali.

Angoori in her kitchen cooking. Tiwari walks in and says it smells good what are you cooking. I’m cooking your favourite food and it will take time in breakfast because few dishes are left to cook. Tiwari says you do a lot of work do everything and take care of me and you are always worried about other. Angoori says if it’s written in my luck then I have to do it. Tiwari says okay from diwali I’ll do a new beginning from now on I’ll help you in households work. Angoori says really good, take this and fry kachori till that time I’ll look after clothes in my behalf, fry it properly.

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