Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 3rd February 2022 Written Update:

Vibhu and David camouflaged as transient sitting in market. Vibhu tells David where we will keep the cash. David says we will keep in house. Vibhu says Anu resembles CCTV she will get to be familiar with cash.

David says you are so frightened of your better half, alright let me know where your significant other won’t look. Vibhu says kitchen. David says no how about we keep in washroom or cover in grass. Vibhu says you know how Anu is she will see stone in grass, I have one spot where Anu won’t look.

Anu ask Teeka Tillu did you take care of your responsibilities. Teeka says OK and we got 500rs too for that transient. Anu says great simply see no hobo is left. Tillu says relax. Teeka see David and Vibhu masked as hobo and alarm Tillu and Anu. Anu says go assault them. Teeka and Tillu begin behaving like canine. Vibhuti tells David they are coming for ourselves and the two of them flee.

Vibhu go into Tiwari’s home and thumps his entryway says is anyone here. Angoori strolls to entryway and see to poor person go from here and give him a few change and leaves. David strolls to Vibhu says we want to give 10lakh to attorney really at that time you will get something from 20 crore property. Vibhu says I comprehend I will not get everything except we really want to search for Tiwari. David says he will be inside atleast call him.

Also read: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 2nd February 2022 Written Update:

Vibhu says first you will say. David plunk down and the two of them begin calling somebody from Tiwari’s home. Angoori leaves see them says prior it was just a single now two are here do we have open industrial facility of cash. David says we are not requesting you we are requesting your better half. Angoori says we are the same. Ammaji strolls to Angoori and ask what occur. Angoori says these two are searching for Tiwari.

Ammaji signs Angoori to get her stick and converse with Beggar says my child Tiwari went to Farrukhabad so you can go there and track down him. David taunts Ammaji. Angoori give stick to Ammaji. Vibhu takes a gander at stick. Ammaji says take seat, the two of them plunk down and Amma begin beating them. Ammaji request that Angoori head inside and they lovk entryway. Vibhu shares with David we should go now and perceive how much beating we got.

Tiwari restricted with rope in room. Ammaji and Angoori in room Ammaji says now we will loosen you just when your psyche is steady. Tiwari yells. Ammaji request that Angoori take off material from his mouth. Angoori take off material. Tiwari says you both are fouling up. Angoori says you are giving everything in house is simply correct.

Ammaji says great Angoori. Tiwari figures how could I let them know anything that I’m doing is for Angoori and tells her kindly unfasten me. Angoori says no. Tiwari yells at her. Ammaji slaps him. Tiwari says attempt to get things. Ammaji tells Angoori put material in his mouth and request that she bring Balushahi for her. Angoori and Ammaji leaves. David and Vibhu get’s inside Tiwari’s room from window. Vibhu and David loosen him.

Vibhuti and David outside band. Vibhu tells David I’m having goosebumps. David says sit tight for some additional time, first how about we take cash and provide for legal counselor then we will win case and get parcel of cash. Vibhuti shares with David is that legal counselor loyally.

David says don’t stress he resembles me. Vibhuti says then, at that point, I’ll not give him a solitary penny, have you at any point seen your face in reflect. David says you can definitely relax. Tiwari leaves and says your cash is prepared. David grabs his pack. Tiwari thinks I have confidence that this gift will assist Angoori with remaining solid and leaves. Teeka and Tillu strolls to them and attempt to get them yet they flee.

David and Vibhu in there house with cash and examining about cash. David says you know one time I kicked a hobo however a pandit saw me doing that he called me and read my hand shared with me one day you will become bum as well and presently see. Vibhu says you are acting and begin examining aboyt 20 crore says I won’t give any single penny from that. David says you hurt me today.

Vibhu says I’m grieved and take a gander at your little girl in law she adores you a great deal and prepared all of the time to battle for you can’t hear anything against you. David says OK she cherishes me a ton so from my property I’ll give her 19,99,99,999 and from that you will get just 1rs. Vibhuti says accomplish something speedy or Anu will see this so the two of them gather sack and attempt to conceal it. Vibhu tells David conceal this under bed since I know she dont look underneath the bed so conceal it. Anu yells I’ll look everything.

David stow away under the bed. Anu strolls in gets out whatever sort of family members you have I’m discussing David. Vibhu says for what reason are you talking like this with regards to him. Anu says I have an explanation on account of him we got extra 1000rs in our staple bill. Vibhuti gets out whatever did he purchase of that extra 1000rs. Anu says that is what I want to know so I asked him yet Chachaji give him guarantee to not to tell everything except rather I’ll attempt to discover and she leaves.

Vibhu request that David come out. David says you were saying that Anu regard me a ton. Vibhu says let me know how you managed 1000rs. David murmurs into his ears.

Vibhu and David masked as hobo attempting to sneak inside Tiwari’s home. Anu, Ammaji and Angoori remaining behind them. Anu says excuse me are you criminal or bum for what reason are you attempting to get inside like hoodlum.

David and Vibhu pivot and see them. David says we are hoodlum. Ammaji says in the event that you are transient, we will hit you more. Angoori says we want to get out all poor people from morden province so need to beat them extra. Vibhu says we are criminal not poor person. Teeka says I’m seeing first time a criminal is saying that he is hoodlum.

Tillu says my hand was tingling since morning si considering hitting a thied now see god’s elegance I got two criminal. David says we are poor person. Anu says I’ll beat hobo by and by and request that Teeka and Tillu assault. Teeka and Tillu begin beating them. Vibhu yells kindly assistance us Anu and Bhabhiji. Anu says how adre you call me Anu. David says since he is your better half. Angoori says quit talking trash.

David eliminate his mask and says he is Vibhu and I’m his uncle David. Anu gets out whatever’s continuing. Angoori says it was you who was taking cash from Tiwari. Anu says will you clarify me what’s happening. Tillu and Teeka derides them. Vibhu shares with David let them know who was plan behind this and yells at David. Anu says no compelling reason to raise your volume since you are equivalent guilty party.

Vibhu says OK I’m guilty party and Tiwari was just one in this state who can give us 10lakh rs so we request that he give us away. Angoori says is my significant other have pass on for printing cash. Vibhu says we heard Tiwari that he needs to kind and give so we became hobo and begin asking him for gift. Anu gets out whatever did you get. Vibhu from that 10lakh rupees we would have won the case and returned cash to Tiwari. Ammaji says nothing will work here now give 10lakh rs at this moment.

Angoori and Tiwari in room. Angoori says you thoroughly took care of me. Tiwari says you are my best fortune and I love you a great deal. Angoori says I love you as well. Ammaji strolls in. Tiwari gets call, Angoori says extortion baba is calling you. Tiwari says he isn’t extortion he didn’t took cash from me and welcomes Baba available for potential emergencies.

Baba manhandles him and says quit giving things your better half is presently protected. Tiwari gets blissful and shares with Angoori baba told that you are protected at this point. Ammaji kisses Tiwari temple and slaps him says is that baba more attractive then Pandit Ramphal. Tiwari give her look. Ammaji shares with Angoori kindly give me breakfast cook potato Puri for myself and the two of them leave.

Precap :Rhusa conversing with Tiwari and Vibhu, Vibhu says for your dearest companions TMT do as we say. Rhusa says okay.Rhusa calls TMT and requests that they meet at 1 PM

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