Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 30th December 2021 Written Update:

Happu in police headquarters accomplishing his work. Manohar strolls to him give him tea, the two of them drink eat. Happu says it’s solid and says to him from such countless days my body didn’t got knead. Manohar says so would it be advisable for me I make arrengement for rub.

Happu says are you frantic kiss on his hand and says I enthusiast of your hands so explain for what reason are your hand so delicate. Manohar says excuse me your expectations are bad. Gupta and Masterji strolls to them. Gupta says circumstance is basic and request that Master show him my telephone battery is down. Manohar derides them. Masterji give him telephone says I have photograph Angoori accepting hush money from financial specialist.

Happu and Manohar see photographs and says we didn’t anticipate this from Angoori. Gupta expresses what are you hanging tight for come and capture her. Happu says I’m befuddled what would it be advisable for me I truly do capture her or leave her.

Angoori strolls to Anu, Anu says hello you at long last free, Angoori says I needed to visit you yet was so occupied with decisions and two individuals came here and gave me desserts commending me thus I considered sharing it withy companion, Anu says fascinating box and opens it, Anu stunned and says look it has cash. Saxena strolls in and says this an arrangement so you lose, Anu says assuming I observe who it is I won’t release him, Saxena says ots Bharadwaj, who else and his response will be our triumph.

Happu Singh strolls in, Anu conceals box, Happu takes the case and says truth doesn’t stow away, Happu tells about objection, Anu asks whats evidence, Saxena and Anu says this is connivance, and does she appear as though somebody who accepts hush money, Happu says no however tragically she must be set to be taken to jail.

Everybody outside and examine concerning how Angoori will confront jail, Tiwari faults Vibhu, David expresses imagine a scenario where she goes prison, Vibhu assaults him. Angoori comes out, Anu and Saxena attempt to stop Happu, Angoori says I would rather not go jail I sat idle, Vibhu says I won’t release you, Happu says she has accepted kickbacks, David says you accept kickbacks consistently, Angoori is placed in jeep, Vibhu begins crying, David murmurs control you will indulge the arrangement. Anu says I should accomplish something.

Also read: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 29th December 2021 Written Update:

Anu conversing with Happu says so you will keep an honest ladies in prison, Happu says I’m limited by rules, Anu says you use rules according to your comfort, Anu says didn’t you think about that guiltless woman how harmed she should be, Happu says I see however evidences say its her, I saw the video, Anu asks where are these two men,

Happu says I’m following, Anu says I wish my interpol companion was here, Anu’s companion strolls in, Anu says you resemble a gift welcome, He asks who is this man, Anu says he is assessor, Anu says Indar check out thsi video and observe these men, Indar settles on a decision to Zucker, to observe the men, Zucker sends video of whete the men went and they observe they went to TMT house.

TMT in jail, they inquire as to for what reason are they captured, Happu says shutup and answer our inquiries, Commissioner says these three are pointless, Manohar strolls in with 3re degree hardware, and shows all gear, Happu says assuming you reply with next to no issue to us we won’t utilize this, TMT says we will reply, Happu asks who were the two men, Teeka says they were Vibhu and Tiwari.

Angoori and Anu annoyed with Tiwari and Vibhu and inquires as to for what reason did you do this, Vibhu says David gave us the thought, David says you asked me for thought, and for what reason do you generally fault me, and Tiwari’s self image was harming. Anu admonishes everybody,

Chief says to David for what reason did you support them, David says I didn’t need Vibhu to go Mumbai since Anu wouldn’t permit me in Kanpur, Angoori says so you played over me, Anu says you will partake, he will go Mumbai and you will win, Saxena strolls in and says political race are dropped.

Precap :Anu advises Tiwari that she needs to take some time off. Angoori says same to Vibhu.TMT offer a powder to Tiwari and Vibhu that puts individual of to rest for 24hrs.

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