Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 20th-Oct-2021 Written Update:

Tiwari says to Anu tell me something. Anu says what should i tell you, I’ll buy a newspaper and read news for you. Tiwari says I was just asking generally. Anu says enjoy the ride. Tiwari says I was having conversations during ride. Anu says what do you wanna talk lets talk about vegetable faur.

Tiwari says its 20rs kilo, this is not the topic I would like to talk about, lets stop some where and have tea. Anu says I don’t want tea don’t you know I’m a coffee person but you men don’t have capacity to give me coffee. Tiwari says I’m sorry and ask panday to stop rickshaw. Anu says no need to stop rickshaw and Tiwari your destination is not here you sat in rickshaw to give me lift now you will drop me first then you can go wherever you want and now please shutup and enjoy ride with me.

Tiwari having drinks. Vibhu walks to Tiwari and make drink fro himself. They both cheers. Tiwari remember what Angoori did to paper. Vibhu drink and remember how Anu mocks him earlier for coffee and make drink for him. Tiwari says its too much you won’t be able to bear it. Vibhu says I can bear it.

Tiwari mocks him and they both get in argument because of there anger. Tiwari take action to slap him. Vibhu shouts at him. Tiwari throws drink on Vibhuti face. Vibhu also do same and Vibhuti start punching Tiwari. Gupta and Masterji stop them. Tiwari says why are you stopping me if you wnat to stop someone then stop this unemployed man. Vibhu punch but hit Gupta. Vibhu syas is he dead. Gupta cry in pain and ask Masterji to take him to doctor.

Vibhu walks to Anu in there balcony and ask aren’t you slept yet. Anu says no and ask do you want me to sleep. Vibhu says what I asked and what you replied me that’s not fair. Anu says I don’t feel good it seems like you are being too sweet to me and I don’t like that, comeon says something to me. Vibhu says what should I say. Anu says I feel angry after listing this it seems like you are no true to me,

lets try again. Vibhu says okay today’s climate is romantic. Anu says climate can be romantic but when you say it is not romantic, that’s the thing I don’t knoe what you doing and I feel like beating you I’m sorry but I don’t know. Vibhu says I try to be sweet, you conscious me a lot whne you ask some questions like why are you sitting here, I feel like to say then should I sit on your head but I don’t say that because I want yo save this relationship,

and I feel very angry when you says that’s how you cook I feel like saying why don’t you ask your mother to cook but still I never say that. Anu says I think I have the best husband in whole world. Vibhu says you know the worst scenario is when you say what are you wearing, now you will tell me what to wear feel like I’m a fog but I never say that I’m always polite. Anu says after this conversation I feel like we will not breakup ever we cannot fight. Vibhu says yes now let’s go to sleep.

Also read: Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 19th-Oct-2021 Written Update:

TMT outside Saxena’s house. Teeka days to Malkhan walk like a lady. Malkhan disguised as women. Teeka says to Malkhan now I’ll ring door bell and you have to go inside. Malkhan says I’m scared I cannot do. Tillu knocks door and they both run away. Saxena come out and says your saree will torn wait let me untangle it says you saree was stuck in nail. Malkhan says my saree was wet so thought of till time you will come out I’ll make dry ut. Saxena says but we dry our clothes in our house.

Malkhan says what house I’m alone my husband removed me out of his house because he is having affair with someone else. Saxena says this is crime, we can go to police and then go to your husband with that police. Malkhan gets scared and says no my husband is not having affair its something else, my husband is toothless he don’t eat anything. Saxena asks they did he removed out if house.

Malkhan says I don’t know why he removed me out of house but I remember he ask me to get out, no worries I’ll spend my life on street, I’ll die on street. Saxena says I’m here for women’s like you. Malkhan says then promise me that you will not ask me to take me back to my husband. Saxena says I promise here keep some money and if you need more can come next month. Malkhan says thank you, you are god in humans body and says long live.

Ammaji gets call from Angoori. Ammaji greets her and giv eher blessings. Ammaji says it seems my blessings are gonna waste. Angoori says yes I’m not happy. Ammaji asks what Tiwari did with you. Angoori says I’m worried, Tiwari is being sweet to me and and giving taunt, I ask him to gift my fufaji and he send him underwear. Ammaji says give him phone.
Angoori walks to Tiwari and says my prannath Ammaji wants to talk to you.

Tiwari greets Ammaji. Ammaji says you are being too sweet I wish to be there. Tiwari says really. Ammaji says I’ll beat you, you are finding new ways to trouble Angoori. Tiwari says Ammaji but listen to me. Ammaji says don’t trouble her and if I hear any complaint about you then I’ll not spare you and hungs up phone.

Tiwari says to Angoori that’s not how you keep up with relation now tell you got married to Amma or me then why you tell her everything. Angoori says I got married to you but she is also our family part. Tiwari says yes she is big part but this is how divorce happen, why did you called her, these small habits will take your life and they both laughing.

Tiwari in market. Masterji come and greets her. Tiwari start going. Masterji give him stress. Tiwari shouts at him and ask him to not poke his nose in others life and leave.
TMT goes to saree shop and ask shopkeeper to check saree. Shopkeeper says yes but be careful. TMT checking saree and deciding which color Saxena would love. Tillu asks vover me and tell which one looks good. Teeka sees Saxena standing and looking at them. Teeka start acting says this will look good on our sister. Malkhan says what are you talking we came to buy it for ourself.

Tillu says why are you talking about sister. Teeka grabs Tillu head and turn it to show him Saxena. Tillu says yes we need to buy for Teeka’s sister. Malkhan says why are you talking about sister. Tillu ask Malkhan to look back. Malkhan sees Saxena and says you are right it will look good on deedee. Saxena leaves. TMT turn to check and Tillu says to Teeka I’m scared I think he know about us. Teeka says I don’t know. Tillu no need to worry this time I’ll go in front of Saxena.

Precap :Anu and Angoori talking to the author of magzine.Vibhu and Angoori dancing and singing.

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