Banni Chow Home Delivery Written Update 8th September 2022:

Banni Chow Home Delivery Written Update 8th September 2022 on

Episode begins with Manini telling Banni that Yuvan needs his mom’s adoration and love to emerge from this shock. Banni says she will not permit her close to Yuvan as she is liable for Yuvan’s state. Manini says you’re difficult yet consider the possibility that you can’t cause Yuvan to recapture his detects.

Banni goes to Yuvan’s room. She reminds him about his commitment and requests that he answer for her however Yuvan doesn’t answer. Banni requests that he answer his dance. She moves for him reviewing every one of their minutes all along. Yuvan doesn’t answer Banni’s endeavors. Devraj and Manini come there.

Manini grins seeing Banni. She goes to Yuvan and sings the Lohri Vandana used to sing for him. She demands him to awaken for his mom. She lets him know that she needs to save him like she saved him in the planetarium yet she didn’t get the keys on chance to open the locked entryway then she sees Banni is with him so she went to call for help. Manini says she will go to paradise in the event that he doesn’t answer. She says your mom is leaving. Yuvan answers by moving his finger.

Manini grins and tells Banni that Yuvan is answering. She requests that Banni tell Yuvan that Manini is his Vandana mother. Devraj requests that Banni make it happen. Banni thinks she is doing it to save Yuvan. She tells Yuvan that Manini is his Vandana mother who gets back from paradise for him. Banni demands him to answer.

Yuvan answers by saying Maa. Banni feels cheerful. Manini sneers. Yuvan falls oblivious once more. Banni requests that Specialist actually take a look at Yuvan and illuminates him that Yuvan answered. The specialist checks Yuvan and lets them know that the possibilities of Yuvan recuperating is high as he answered.

Banni appeals to Bappa. Devraj goes to Banni and apologizes to her for making her untruth. He tells her that he did it for Yuvan’s advancement. Banni says I realized it that is the reason I concurred as nothing is a higher priority than Yuvan’s life. She says she is imploring God to invigorate Yuvan to confront this unforgiving truth later as all that will be finished assuming he begins living in obviously false.

She goes to the room where she sees their marriage video is getting played backward. Manini invites her and lets Banni know that she will make her Banni from Banni Yuvan Singh Rathod. She commencements for herself and provokes her to remove her from the house. Banni flies off the handle.

Precap – Yuvan will embrace Banni in tears. Yuvan will ask Manini for what reason Banni said that she isn’t his mom. Manini will say in light of the fact that your mom has returned from the sky yet Banni’s mom hasn’t so she is desirous of you. Yuvan and Banni will bring Bappa home. Banni will share with Manini we should see who will win this conflict between a plotting stepmother or a devoted spouse. She rings sankaravam.

Also read: Banni Chow Home Delivery Written Update 7th September 2022

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