Banni Chow Home Delivery Written Update 1st October 2022 on
Episode begins with Banni examining Agastya concerning how might he do it to Yuvan. Agastya says beat me all the more yet pardon my error. Banni is going to leave. Rohan stops her and says Agastya can conceal it from you yet he didn’t. Agastya requests that Rohan not include. Agastya tells Banni, you all are great however dislike you all, I’m a horrendous wrecked individual and I fouled up by fouling up with a decent individual like Yuvan.
He demands her to excuse him. Banni says in the event that anything happens to Yuvan, Agastya will fail to remember his singing vocation and presently I need to deal with Yuvan. She leaves. Charmi gets ready Banni lunch boxes. Viraj goes to Charmi and inquires as to why she is helping Banni conflicting with Manini?
Charmi says she will uphold Banni. He says he will not conflict with Manini and requests that she accompany him. He sees she is experiencing a fever. He requests that she accompany him yet she says she will not as she guaranteed Banni to accomplish this work on time. Viraj packs carriages to help her. He says don’t have any idea how Banni changes individuals in support of herself. Charmi grins.
At the emergency clinic, the Specialist reprimands Banni for not giving medication to Yuvan for 24 hours. Banni tells Specialist the distinctions she saw in Yuvan. Yuvan lets Specialist know that whenever he first didn’t feel frightened of fire on the stage. Devraj and Myra go into the house with dhol individuals. Manini stops them. Devraj sends dhol individuals. Manini asks where are Yuvan and Banni.
She says I realize that Yuvan can’t sing all along yet you folks take him to cause us to get embarrassed. She says you all generally feel I’m off-base and Banni right. Devraj says Banni takes great consideration of Yuvan and that is the reason Yuvan gave a shaking execution in front of an audience. He disseminates desserts to them. Manini thinks t break Banni and Yuvan’s bond.
Banni inquires as to whether medications are making Yuvan feeble. The specialist says those medications keep Yuvan cool. He inquires as to whether he feels any distinction. Yuvan says he feels the distinction as his heart beat quicker and he felt bleary eyed. Banni says without medication Yuvan is in charge and how it worked out. The specialist says it happened in light of music and at times, music can fix patients however doesn’t stop the medication. He lets them know he will arrange the medication and sends them as it’s an intriguing one. Banni expresses gratitude toward him.
The specialist calls some woman and cautions her that Banni is thinking the prescriptions. Woman didn’t discuss anything and watches Yuvan’s presentation on television. Yuvan opens the vehicle entryway for Banni. Banni thinks Yuvan is typical without medication. Yuvan embraces Manini and inquires as to why she didn’t come to see his exhibition. Banni says she is so blissful. That time Agastya calls Banni.
Yuvan goes to the call and puts it on speaker. Yuvan converses with him and lets him know that he put the telephone on speaker. Agastya requests that they go to his boat club get together assuming they pardon him. Manini ponders why he is saying ‘sorry’ Yuvan says they will go to the party. Agastya says thanks to him and detaches the call. Banni says it’s bad to go to as many individuals are there. Devraj requests that they join in. Manini support Banni. Yuvan requests that Banni not stress and tells her that he is with her. Manini contemplates change in Yuvan.
Yuvan carries a saree to Banni. He tells her that he bought the saree with cash he got from his presentation. Banni inquires as to why he burned through the entirety of his cash. Yuvan says you’re extraordinary so it’s required. He inquires as to whether she wears it. Banni concurs. At the party, Agastya sits tight for Banni and Yuvan. Rohan asks who’s making him pause. Agastya grins. Yuvan and Banni enter the party. Agastya feels great seeing them.
Precap – Agastya’s companions will request that Agastya kiss Banni. Yuvan will caution them saying Banni is his better half. Banni will fall in the pool. Agastya will save her. Manini will tell Yuvan that Agastya and Banni are Raj Kumar and Raj Kumari and they are ideal for one another. Yuvan will stand stunned.
Also read: Banni Chow Home Delivery Written Update 30th September 2022