Balika Vadhu 2 7th February 2022 Written Update:

The episode begins with specialist checking Jigar, he says all the vitals of Jigar are typical so he is out of risk. Anandi inquires as to for what reason did he get unexpected assault. Ishana freezes however specialist said it is possible that he was overemphasized with language training. Anandi is as yet stressed. Anand lets Anandi know that clients are exceptionally blissful and sitting tight for next bargain, Anandi says its great yet doesn’t look cheerful. Anand tells her in the event that she is troubled, she says she is blissful as it was everybody’s hardwork except she was contemplating something different.

Anandi says she trusts Jigar gets well soon which baffles Anand. He says he will leave however out of nowhere gets stunned seeing Diya coming there with her baggage. Anandi additionally gets confused seeing Diya. Bhairavi tells Diya it should be her typical battles with Vikrant. Diya says she would rather not talk with him. Bhairavi advises her to take as much time as is needed and they will talk later. Anand reproves Bhairavi for not illuminating him about Diya’s life. Bhairavi says that its not much, since Diya and Vikrant got hitched, they continue to have contentions and afterward Vikrant comes and apologizes and they stay cheerfully once more.

Anandi lets Sejal know that it’s anything but a little issue, when she had seen Diya before she was looking truly upset and when Anandi got some information about it she kept away from the theme, she says she attempted to converse with Bhairavi additionally regarding this matter yet couldn’t complete the discussion. Anand lets Bhairavi know that he trusts she is correct yet he won’t feel great except if he, at the end of the day, converses with Diya. Bhairavi advises him to give her at some point. Following day Diya is extremely disturbed and doesn’t talk by any means.

Also read: Balika Vadhu 2 4th February 2022 Written Update

Anandi takes Diya alongside her to NGO where they work and acquaints her with all the colleagues, Anandi plays melodies and makes Diya dance, she grins and hits the dance floor with them. Anand comes there and gets amazed seeing her. Anandi signs him not to say anything. He thinks at long last Diya is grinning a result of Anandi and Anand grins as well. Three of them cheerfully return back home yet gets stunned to see Vikrant staying there with Bhairavi and Ishana. Ishana tells that she has called him as Diya wasn’t talking so she figured they can talk eye to eye.

Anandi reproves her for continuously attempting to meddle. She tells on the off chance that Diya wasn’t sharing it should be on the grounds that she needed additional time or in light of the fact that the issue isn’t so little this time. Anandi reproves Ishana however Ishana begins offending Anandi all things being equal. She tells that Anandi doesn’t comprehend the worth of connections as she became vagrant at a youthful age as her folks died. Anand closes Ishana and tells that nobody comprehends worth of relationship better than Anandi, he commends her and stands firm for Anandi which causes Ishana to get more frustrated.

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