Bade Acche Lagte Hain 2 17th January 2022 Written Update:

Episode begins with Neeraj coming to call Priya. He says Ram is searching for you. She figures where did Anjali go. She says I will settle on a decision first. She staggers. He requests that she accompany him.

She goes with him. She drops the telephone and goes. Neeraj pursues her. Raj gets Shashi’s call. He goes. Mother says in the event that Priya had come here, Anjali would be here. Shubham and Mama ji search for Anjali. Anjali stows away.

Shubham says our game will move past, there is nobody here. Mother ji says we can’t allow Priya to meet Anjali, else our reality will come out that we had outlined Akki. Anjali goes to see them. She says who were they, they outlined me, they look from Priya’s family.

Slam and Adi return to the party. Vedika thinks I need to prevent Ram from going to toilet. She requests that they stay here, she will proceed to bring Priya. Kunal says you got the party credit, proceed to deal with the visitors. They go to see. Adi gets Priya’s telephone. Smash says its Priya’s telephone.

Bade Acche Lagte Hain 2 14th January 2022 Written Update:

Vedika says I will call Neeraj and get some information about Priya. She calls Neeraj and asks where is Priya, Ram is freezing. He says she is with me, she needed to return home, so she left the party. She asks how could you do without telling anybody, return. He says we have overcome much, she wasn’t partaking in Ram’s birthday, so I came to drop her home.

Vedika says its OK, perhaps she was awkward. Kunal says you know a ton about her. Slam goes upset. Kunal says you left Ram. Vedika says OK, yet I need him back at this point. He takes a gander at her. She says I have a right on him.

He goes to Ram and says Priya would be harmed when you host the get-together credit to Vedika, how might you become angry with her. Sara says she needed to make your birthday exceptional with this memory, perhaps you didn’t have a clue about her well, however we know this, she is a true young lady, she won’t ever deceive you. Slam thinks Priya went to make cake for me, she ought to have battled with me. Vedika says we will cut the cake.

Maitri comes and asks Sandy for Neeraj. Vedika says lets cut the cake. Smash says no, I won’t cut the cake, Kunal get the cake stuffed, Adi deal with the visitors, Vedika sorry, I need to go, Maitri I will drop you home. She asks with whom did he go, with Priya. Smash says I will drop you, apologies. He goes. Kunal grins. Adi asks Sara not to take pressure, Ram has gone to Priya. Kunal insults Vedika.

Sandy asks Sara what is she stowing away. Sara says we will proceed to check about Anjali. Vikrant asks is she here. Sandy says no, Akki and Shivi didn’t come today. He says relax, come and eat. Sara says I will come in two mins. She sees Mama ji and Shubham coming. Neeraj asks are you fine, I will go at this point.

Priya inquires as to why, will you go unexpectedly early, stay here and converse with me. He sits. She says Ram informs right regarding you, don’t let him know that I told you, you apply a lot of gel in your hair. He asks what hogwash. They contend.

She says OK, I actually lament that my sister wedded a man who applies such a lot of gel in hair. He says you are distraught, Ram isn’t here to see that you love me, you wedded Ram to affront me, you actually miss me, your marriage is completely false. She says stop, hear my response, you keep Maitri glad, right, so I m cheerful,

nothing is demon for me than her satisfaction, I converse with you pleasantly for her bliss. He asks are you cheerful, you can talk about your thoughts with me, say reality. She says no, I m frightened to tell my sentiments, when you are with me, I stay cheerful, I feel glad to be with you. He grins. She says I generally consider you, I don’t have the foggiest idea about the name of this connection, I can’t say. He thinks I realized she actually adores me. She says this is our reality, Ram. He gets up and goes.

She asks him where are you going. She says don’t have the foggiest idea where he went. Slam and Maitri return home. She sees Neeraj and asks where did you go. He says Priya required my assistance, I came to drop her. She asks by letting your better half be. He says you ought to be content that I came to drop her, Ram was occupied with his companions, I m her… .

Smash says you are her ex, her past, I m her present, Priya is my better half, its my obligation to deal with her, you left Maitri there and came to drop Priya, don’t rehash this error. Neeraj says you left Priya in the party, she needed to drink. Slam thinks she went with Neeraj. Slam says you might have told me. Neeraj asks what else was there to do, she didn’t wish to see your face. Smash says she needn’t bother with your assistance, I m there to deal with her. She says sorry, accompany me Neeraj. Smash says its first and last admonition, avoid my better half.

Precap :Ram shows the coupon and requests that Priya partake in the downpour. Smash embraces her. Vedika looks on.

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