Bade Acche Lagte Hain 16th February 2022 Written Update:

Bade Acche Lagte Hain 16th February 2022 Written Update: Episode begins with Priya going up against Mahender about the homicide. She says I heard your discussions, for what reason did you need to hurt Ram, tell me. Adi says Brinda got your fav brownies, Vikrant was eating it. Slam says fine, eat it, I can arrange more. Brinda says Sara didn’t come, did you dazzle Priya.

Slam says no, how might I do this. Vikrant says you were sentiment ruler in the school. Brinda says Priya will not get satisfied by these shameful moves. Slam says OK, she chides me constantly. They giggle. Adi says we like this Ram. Smash says me as well, quit gazing. Brinda says nobody will gaze at Ram. Smash goes.

Brinda says its Ram and Priya’s first valentine, his disposition is great. Sandy welcomes Ram and says Sir, you are my supervisor here in office. Smash says I got brownies for you. She requests that he have it. He asks how might I get a grin all over. She snickers.

Mahender asks how might you go to the police, do you have a proof. Priya says no, however I will track down it. He chastens her. He says Ram won’t really enjoy you. She says you generally revile me, however mum’s endowments is greater than your revile, you lost in demolishing my life. He inquires as to how could I do that, I got this for you.

Sandy says Priya preferred the Jaipur kachori a ton. Slam asks truly. Sandy says OK. He says Priya never enlightened me. She says she didn’t eat it since numerous days. He inquires as to why. Priya says I have left these kachoris.

Mahender inquires as to why, I got it for Raj and remembered to get it for you moreover. She says I wasn’t right to imagine that you should return, we are cheerful without you, I used to like the kachoris previously, you need to advise me that you used to go to Jaipur to meet Rakhi. He says OK, she knew to keep me blissful, you compromised Raj so I have come to remind you the ideal locations, what I am and what I can turn into. He leaves. She cries.

Vedika says today valentines day, Ram, I m sure you arranged something for Priya, you didn’t take my assistance. He says no, its piece abnormal. She says fine, let me know your arrangement. He says Priya likes Kachoris, so I m going to Jaipur to get it, simply a little motion. She says wow Ram, Priya is fortunate to get you, let me know if you want assistance.

Adi messages him to come up, its critical. Vedika says I m sure that Brinda and her group will assist Ram, I with having to accomplish something. Adi says sorry, this can’t occur. Smash says I need that kachoris. Vikrant and Kunal say we will proceed to get it. Slam says I will go, all of you go for the gathering. Vikrant says no, they said that they need you. Adi says Ram, Shivi will not prepare on schedule. Slam says Priya will prepare and afterward sit tight for me. They snicker.

Priya cries unfortunately. Sara and Meera come. Priya says I m fine. Meera sees the kachoris and asks what’s this. Priya says Jaipur’s kachoris. Sara inquires as to for what reason did he come. Meera says in light of the fact that Priya let Raj know that she will sell the pastry kitchen. Priya says he came to insult us. Sara thinks perhaps they talked with regards to the mishap.

Meera cries. She says he got the kachoris to remind you the past. Sara and Priya console Meera. Priya gives the kachoris to Ajay and says give these to the unfortunate children. Vedika grins hearing this and takes the kachoris from Ajay. She figures how did this happen soon, Ram is getting the kachoris she detests the most, they are prepared to hurt one another. She says this kachoris will remind Priya that her father left her mum for another lady, remind Priya that adoration is only a cheat.

Priya requests that Meera forget the past. Sara says OK, she is correct, we don’t have anything to give him, no tears and no aggravation, we won’t take his name, his condemnations can never hurt us, Raavan doesn’t win, Ram wins. Priya inquires as to whether he wins sometime in the not so distant future. Sara says no. Meera says he won’t win. Sara requests that Priya fail to remember things now.

Smash is occupied in the gathering. Adi thinks Ram is a business big shot, he can do anything for his family. He grins. Everybody applauds Ram. Smash sees Priya’s pic. He grins. Adi gets a call. He goes to Ram. He says they didn’t get the kachoris. Slam says sorry, we need to defer the gathering.

The clients leave. Smash asks didn’t they attempt. Adi says the shop is shut. Slam says I need to go, get a contract plane, you know how pixie it is, I will get it for my Priya. He leaves. Priya inquires as to for what reason did you deck me up, I look so peculiar. Sara says you look so wonderful. Meera says you should look recently wedded.

Priya says today Shivi’s day, I resemble a joker. Meera says I m your mum, you’re not my mum, prepare and come in gathering. Sara says we will likewise proceed to prepare. They leave. Smash says well done, you acknowledged my gift. Priya asks did you call to say this. Slam says I will be late today.

Precap :Ram sings for Priya. Vedika says these kachoris are an indication of Priya’s awful recollections. Slam offers the kachori to Priya. She cries.

Also read: Bade Acche Lagte Hain 15th February 2022 Written Update:

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