Aur Bhai Kya Chal Raha Hai 11th April 2022 written update:

Aur Bhai Kya Chal Raha Hai 11th April 2022 written update:

Episode begins with Bittu, Pappu, Kodde, BBC and Majnu are sitting miserable. Zafar and Ramesh attempt to ask, yet none answer. At the point when they are going to leave, than bittu tell don’t leave us. Zafar and Ramesh jokes on bittu.

Everybody individually answer about their pity. Bittu says that they need to take off from their home as request given by municpal co-activity. Presently we will have to rest on street.

Zafar says we will help you by giving you fabric for rest and live by side on street. Ramesh chides him, expressing its off-base, requests that Majnu go with Masterji, to go with him to have dead bodies garments and leave utilizing them at Shamshan ghat.

Kodde admonishes that imagine a scenario in which get found out by phantoms.
Bittu, Pappu, BBC, Ashiq, Majnu and Koode asks and demands them let us stay in haveli. Ramesh and Zafar concurs however says let us ask our families individuals.

Ramesh and Zafar illuminate them, Shanti and Sakeena says its inconceivable, as Haveli is so little. Ramesh and Zafar says that they were in a tough situation and they are our companions and neighbors. Shanti and Sakeena concurs.

Ramesh illuminates that grin Shanti and Sakeena concurred.
Bittu Pappu commends Them. Everybody make disarray who will remain where. Ashiq and Majnu says we will remain with Ramesh and Zafar. Bittu says Koode, Manju and Pappu will remain with Ramesh and rest with Zafar.

Around evening time Zafar is shown laying down with Bittuz BBC and Ashiq and cause problems. Ramesh is additionally in a difficult situation because of Pappu, Majnu and koode. In rest Majnu knock about Ramesh, and ramesh slaps manju for insulting about him. Zafar and Ramesh cause problems.

Zafar goes in Children room and observe Sakeena dozing he get heartfelt and take into kitchen, yet sakeena is in profound rest. Zafar sprinkle water, and expresses that I saw you and I am feeling to sentiment.

Ashiq comes in rest and slap Zafar, expressing its going to rain and goes once more. Zafar and Sakeena gets stunned.

Following day everybody remains in washroom line and cause problems, and battle for utilizing washroom.

Precap:- Ramesh and Zafar demand Shanti and Sakeena to work in house in presence of Bittu and party. Later around evening time everybody chooses to arrange bittu and party out of haveli. Bittu and pappu hears and says we have plan B.

Also read: Aur Bhai Kya Chal Raha Hai 8th April 2022 written update

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