Anupama Written Update 4th October 2022:

Anupama Written Update 4th October 2022 on

Anupama and Anuj spoil Little Anu and make sense of her today ashthami of the navratri festivity and kanya pooja of little childs like her will be performed today. Little Anu says that is the reason nanu dad/Hasmukh gifted her such a dress. Anupama says she used to hang tight during the current day in her life as a youngster suspecting individuals would welcome her to have halwa puri and 1-2 rs gift, youth is truly astonishing.

Ankush expresses same with Sara. Anupama says her kids Samar, Pakhi, and Toshu.. quits reviewing Toshu’s disdain for her. She discusses individuals’ deception where they acclaim a girl’s introduction to the world at other spot and get miserable when a little girl is brought into the world at their own home.

Anuj says its the ideal opportunity for kanya pooja and afterward visit nanu daddy’s home. Little Anu vows not to inconvenience anybody there. Anuj requests that Anupama ensure Toshu doesn’t come before Little Anu. Anupama says he want not stress. Two visitors visit Anupama. Anupama acquaints them with Anuj as her maika’s neighbors Sheela kaki and Chanda mausi.

Ankush figures they probably come for a noble cause. Anuj invites them. They discuss garba occasion in their territory where they assist a penniless young ladies’ schooling from the cash they with gathering during the occasion and maintain that Anupama should be a central visitor of the thought. Anuj likes their clever reasoning and requests that Adhik bring his actually take a look at book and pen.

Adhik, Barkha, and Ankush check each other’s face out. Anuj composes a check of enormous sum. Ladies acclaim him for his benevolent nature. Anuj makes sense of that his mom used to say that aiding somebody drives them to paradise. Women express gratitude toward him and welcomes him and his family for the garba occasion.

Barkha figures Anuj doesn’t realize that cause starts at home and even show. She stops women and offers them gifts. She then, at that point, discusses Shah family’s barbarities on Anupama and says Anupama is excessively great to not uncover her ex-parents in law’s monstrosities, so they all ought to uncover Shahs. Women concur and leave.

Leela lets family know that tomorrow is a propitious day. Hasmukh jokes in the event that she is heading off to some place. Leela says its navami tomorrow and she will bring a family home to discuss Samar’s coalition. Hasmukh asks what is a rush. Leela says she needs to complete Samar’s wedding straightaway.

Pakhi expresses as of now there is issue at home, in the event that Samar’s marriage is fundamental in this. Leela hollers at her and says she would rather not frustrate her grandson’s joy and needs to present families at the garba pandal. Vanraj says there would be many individuals at the pandal=. Leela says while perhaps not tomorrow, she will welcome them following 3 days and make sense of Kinjal not to make any fantasy there.

Rakhi with Kinjal enters and reprimands Leela for giving fix her more youthful grandson’s marriage a shot a premise of lies while her senior grandson’s marriage is near the precarious edge of disintegration. Leela says relationships don’t occur on truth. Rakhi says she ought to feature how shrewd, horrible, fit in vain her senior grandson is who attempted to isolate a mother from her little girl; she is certain no one would give their girl in such a house in the wake of hearing this.

Samar enters and says he would rather not wed subsequent to seeing the state of relationships in this house. Vanraj says he shouldn’t express that as everybody’s destiny isn’t great. Samar says he isn’t hitched, yet he has gone through a torment of separation and has seen individuals who were frantically infatuated before marriage needing to kill each other after marriage; there would be numerous assumptions by the young lady over him after marriage and he fears he might neglect to satisfy them like Vanraj and Toshu;

on the off chance that there would be issues among him and the young lady, their families will endure; our family has proactively confronted a separation and is going through another, so he would rather not wed by any stretch of the imagination. Vanraj says individuals donn’t quit riding a boat in feeling of dread toward suffocating and don’t quit wedding. Hasmukh asks will he quit strolling on street in the event that he saw a mishap, he ought to comprehend that conjugal euphoria is the most joyful piece of life and one understands the worth of an accomplice late in the game.

Rakhi says Samar is right as marriage is a revile particularly in this house, and when Anupama couldn’t deal with it, how might others handle it. She advices Samar that wedding or not is his choice, and assuming he does, he ought to carry his significant other to this enclosure. Vanraj yells Mrs Dave. Rakhi cautions him to turn down the volume as she is correct. Vanraj says their family issues are not her concern, they gave her entitlement to talk for Kinjal’s situation and won’t allow her to meddle in different issues.

Rakhi says this family can’t endure truth, her little girl left a sumptuous life and moved to this house and received selling out consequently, his family actually upholds their miscreant little girl and he ought to ensure his significant other shouldn’t confront Kinjal like circumstance. Kinjal advices Samar that she will not a long counsel on marriage, but rather simply needs to say that to wed, he ought to become like Anuj who is cherishing, mindful, and trustful;

trust is most significant in marriage and whenever its wrecked, then even relationship does. Leela hollers not to program her grandson and requests that Samar meet a young lady once and provided that he prefers her, they will take the matter forward or, more than likely no. Kavyas back her and says let us start kanya pooja.

Samar illuminates that Cart is at office and will not have the option to come, however Anuj and Anupama would come. Hasmukh says its great that Anuj and Anupma neglected the previous occasion and are visiting them. Rakhi trusts there won’t be any show today. Anupama and Shah family perform kanya pooja. Little Anu prevents Vanraj from contacting her feet. Vanraj says he knows, yet today she is a Devi for him.

Toshu wishes to perform pooja. Vanraj stops her. Toshu says his girl.. Anupama says even her girl is here and she doesn’t maintain that he should approach her little girl, so he ought to leave from that point and not to be seen even in pandal. Leela says anybody can go to a public pandal. Anupama says there is no chance to talk about this. Toshu thinks no one is regarding his sentiments and preventing him from meeting his girl, he will visit pandal without a doubt.

Precap: Shahs and Kapadias get going in navrati festivity when somebody removes Pari. Anupama sees Pari missing from her support with a note left.

Also read: Anupama Written Update 3rd October 2022

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