Anupama 20th January 2022 Written Update:

Vanraj begins controlling Malvika. He says perhaps to that end his total spotlight is on function as he would rather not break her trust and substantiate himself; Anuj doesn’t believe him and he really wants to acquire even his trust;

Anuj is an effective financial specialist, yet he isn’t; he is appreciative to her for supporting and confiding in him, subsequently he examines with her issues which he doesn’t talk about with any other individual. Anu advises Anuj that she would rather not battle with Vanraj,

however, in the event that youngsters follow him and follow an off-base way, she wouldn’t excuse herself; they should tech kids to battle their concerns and acknowledge their errors, yet Vanraj is helping them to flee from issues and not acknowledge their misstep; assuming they neglect to satisfy darling’s liability, its responsibility would be there for entire life.

Anuj says who else can comprehend it than him. She is sorry and says Mr Shah isn’t getting this or perhaps she isn’t getting him; some of the time, she feels Mr Shah has changed and some of the time he acts his old self. Anuj says she shouldn’t change however and demonstrate that she never acknowledges rout.

He further says at whatever point she feels as she would rather not address that day and needs to tune in all things considered, she can reach him whenever. She inquires as to whether he is kidding on her. He says a little and inquires as to whether she felt terrible. She says she doesn’t nowadays and leaves anxiously to give Mukku’s medication.

Vanraj lets Malvika know that very much like individuals stow away under a haven from downpour, he is stowing away under his occupation from individual life and is zeroing in on their undertaking; he wasn’t right that he changed himself, however failed to remember that he can’t change his past and individuals judge him over his past and regardless of whether he forfeits his life,

they think he is normal, worn out Vanraj Shah; since when individuals will commit him understand his errors, he feels alone whether he is at home or outside. Malvika wipes his fake tears and says tears don’t look great on a macho face, the two of them are akele/forlorn and dukele/pitiful. He grins and afterward holding her hand inquires as to whether she confides in him. She responds and says obviously Raj. He says thank you Malvika.

She says her darlings call her Mukku. Anu brings medication for Malvika and stands stunned seeing that. Vanraj and Malvika get ready hearing her telephone ringer, Malvika requests that she come in. Anu offers her medication. Vanraj offers her water. Malvika consumes medication expressing gratitude toward them. Anu says she really wants to go to a treatment meeting.

Malvika says one week from now. Vanraj says he will take her to treatment and will remind her medication and treatment time as Anu is occupied working. Malvika says there is a point in it as she is with Raj constantly. Anu says let it be, she will deal with Mukku. Vanraj says she should zero in on work all things considered. Mukku says Raj fails to remember nothing. Vanraj says he neither forgets nor allows anybody to neglect.

Anupama 19th January 2022 Written Update:

Kinjal takes care of Samar and inquires as to whether his indignation is quiet at this point. Samar says he would rather not talk about it. Kinjal says he can as he has numerous to pay attention to him here, yet Nandini has nobody. Samar says Nandini has her Kavya maasi with her. Kinjal inquires as to why he has become so silly, his IQ was a lot higher than entire region young men. He is still. She says he is committing an error. Anuj cautions Vanraj not.

Vanraj asks what’s going on with he. She says the two of them know what he is up to and cautions him to focus on his family and youngsters all things being equal. He requests that she leave as he wants to work and all the more significantly handle Mukku, kids have their mom to deal with them.

Kinjal tells Samar that Nandini upheld Kavya like he upheld mummy against dad, he ought to proceed to comfort Nandini. Samar asks how might he have a relationship with Nandini who offended mummy. Kinjal says in that sense she should leave Toshu for offending mummy; mummy says a heart is an individual’s greatest gem and when a heart makes any relationship, its an unadulterated gold and they clean gold frequently to keep up with its sheen;

he is mummy’s shadow, however is acting like dad; he should visit Nandini and attempt to address her at any rate; they get love with extraordinary trouble and shouldn’t lose it. Samar recollects Anu’s comparable words.

Anu calls Kinjal and inquires as to whether Samar had something, she will get back to her. She thinks she is concerned for Samar and Nandini on one side and Mukku on the opposite side; Mr Shah is controlling Mukku and in the event that he double-crosses her, she will not have the option to deal with herself; she won’t allow him to control this time.

Mukku with Anuj hurries to her and drops espresso on her hand. Mukku inquires as to whether its consuming. Anu says it consumed once, yet one ought not fail to remember an illustration; she will forever ensure her. Mukku says its a 2.5/dhai kilo exchange. Anuj applies ice to Anu’s hand. Mukku says Raj welcomed them for Sankranti celebration festivity and is eager to fly a kite. Anu becomes mixed up in considerations wile Anu applies ice to her hand.

He asks where is she lost. She says OK. He says she is world’s most delightful young lady. She says OK. He proceeds with his heartfelt talk. She keeps saying OK. He alarms her and inquires as to whether he should hold string chakri while she flies kite tomorrow. She says OK and she will likewise hold chakri when he flies kite. He thinks she is strained in regards to Samar.

Precap :Anuj presents a shayari portraying Anu’s excellence. Pakhi declares that Vanraj is sending her to US for additional studies.Anu says she will not. Vanraj says when she can say no prior to asking him, why he shouldn’t say OK without asking her. Anu says since she is as yet these youngsters’ mom. He says even he is as yet these youngsters’ dad.

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