Anupama 19th August 2022 Written Update on
Anuj lies oblivious. Clinic staff causes Anupama to comprehend to really take a look at the screen. Anupama vow to Anuj that she will deal with everything in his nonattendance. She peruses verse for Anuj. Anupama converses with dozing Anuj and inquires as to whether he got worn listening to her verse. She tells Anuj that she will continue to peruse verse until he awakens.
Anupama tells Anuj that she realizes he needs to meet Anu. She calls Anu. Anu clicks pictures of Anuj and Anupama. She chooses to continue to click pictures and put it in the room. Anu asks Anupama when Anuj will awaken. Anupama says soon. She requests that Anu not go into Anuj’s room in her nonattendance.
Anupama cautions Anu assuming she goes into Anuj’s room in her nonattendance than she ought to try not to contact any stuffs out there. Anu gives her guarantee to Anupama. Nurture comes to check upon Anupama.
Barkha gets enraged on Anupama for calling second rate class nurture. Anupama says she see as nothing amiss with the medical attendant. Barkha says Anuj merits a decent consideration. Anupama says she will deal with Anuj. Barkha and Anupama contend with one another over Anuj.
Anupama choose to fabulously observe Janmashtmi and Anuj’s birthday. Hasmuk, Paritosh, Samar and GK plans for the event. Anupama figures out how to work savvy. Paritosh asks Anupama what is the need to learn savvy as neglects fails to remember nothing. Anupama says she is human as well and it slips can’s mind. Pakhi meet Adhik and share her concern with him. Adhik console Pakhi.
Barkha requests that Anupama sign the check. Anupama will not sign the check. Adhik and Barkha get enraged and say they don’t require cash for their own utilization. Anupama says Anuj would rather not work with the clients subsequently she won’t sign on the check until Anuj awakens and supports it. GK side Anupama and Anuj.
Barkha disregards GK. Anupama amends Barkha. She further goes to really take a look at Anuj. Adhik guarantees Pakhi that he will side assuming any police protest is document against Vanraj. Pakhi and Adhik embrace one another. Anupama illuminates Anu about observing Janmashtmi and Anuj’s birthday.
Anupama asks Barkha what she was talking about. Barkha gets resolved to document body of evidence against Vanraj. She blames Anupama for supporting Vanraj. Barkha adds she have no faith in Anupama moreover she have no faith in her.
Anupama gives a befitting answer to Barkha and requests that she quit threating or hollering on her if not she will settle on choices for Anuj’s benefit which will bring inconvenience for her. Barkha an Adhik gets ready.
Precap: Anupama gets eager to observe Anuj’s birthday. Vanraj choose to meet Anuj. Barkha and Adhik plans against Anupama. They choose to toss Anupama out from Kapadia Mansion.
Also read: Anupama 18th August 2022 Written Update