Anupama 12th December 2021 Written Story:

Scene Episode start with Vanraj quietly watches Anupama freezing seeing Anuj’s basic condition and argues him to get up. At home, Toshu requests that Kinjal proceed to rest as its 3 a.m. also she has a great deal of working toward the beginning of the day. Kinjal cries embracing him.

Samar sees them and feels great seeing their disparities clearing. Anu keeps crying and attempts to hold Anuj’s hand however at that point stops. Varaj strolls to her and says specialist told Anuj is steady and will be fine before dawn. Anu inquires as to whether he is a specialist, they can say nothing until Anuj gets cognizant, for what reason don’t he awaken. Vanraj offers her water.

She completes it, apologizes for being discourteous in pressure, and says he is correct that Anuj will be fine soon. Vanraj says by Kanhaji’s beauty and Anu’s supplications, Anuj is out of artist, so he needs to tell her something; he says he, Baa, and Kavya talked severe against her, however in all actuality she pursues Shah family in any event, avoiding them; they all showed they are acclimated to her assistance and will be fine soon, yet they understood she is their need who deals with every one of their requirements yet can’t for long;

she can’t do all their moment family tasks for long, even Anuj being a major business magnate engaged in their family issues and the two of them endured a great deal, so to some degree now the two of them should continue on together. Anu is stunned to hear that. He says she should consider herself and Anuj and continue on as life is allowing her a subsequent opportunity and she shouldn’t lose it. He acknowledges that he was never viable to him and just Anuj is, he is certainly not an extraordinary individual like her to adulate somebody, yet acknowledges that Anuj is superior to him; he cherishes his family, however not boundlessly like Anuj loves Anuj; Anuj’s genuinely adores her and she additionally ought to acknowledge her adoration for him.

Anupama 11th December 2021 Written Story:

Anu says its false. Vanraj says he is an obstinate individual and will consistently be and he considers just his advantages, yet he is saying whatever he found in passage, her monstrous worry for Anuj demonstrates that she cherishes Anuj; she ought to fail to remember him, Kavya, and entire world and acknowledge it; he is selfish and before his actual self comes out,

she ought to acknowledge his perception that Anuj is the perfect individual for her. He holds her hand and keeps it on Anuj’s hand. He says family was consistently with her, however he wasn’t supporting her and couldn’t release her, yet today he is releasing her. He attempts to leave. She holds his hand. He kisses her brow and leaves liberating his hand sad. O maaji re nadiya kinara.. melody plays behind the scenes. He then, at that point, figures now he and Anu can continue on in their life after this conclusion.

Anu recalls Vanraj’s words and Bapuji’s idea and figures she should continue on according to their recommendation, however how might Mr Shah tell this. She leaves ICU room and envisions Anuj singing and moving around her Janam Dekhlo Mitgayi Duriyan.. tune in SRK style. Anu recollects their cheerful minutes, his acknowledgment, and so forth

She then, at that point, looks glass entryway and seeing Anuj on bed acknowledges it was her creative mind. She strolls in and holding Anuj’s hand says she is prepared to continue on and allow an opportunity to their relationship and herself. Vanraj hears that. Next morning, Anuj awakens calling Anu and sees her resting close by.

Anu gets cheerful seeing him cognizant. He inquires as to whether she is fine. She says she is fine a result of him and his condition is a direct result of him. He says he is fine. She requests that he rest and calls Vanraj and specialist. Vanraj surges in and grins seeing Anuj alert. Specialist checks Anuj and says he is totally okay now, however they need to hold him under perception for some additional time.

Baa keeps appealing to God for Anuj entire evening. GK welcomes her and enthusiastically tells Bapuiji should they go to emergency clinic now. Bapuji requests that he have tea first as Vanraj called and informed that Anuj is fine at this point. Anu video calls Bapuji. Entire family joins. Anu shows cognizant Anuj. Vanraj says Anuj’s condition is steady now and disengages call. GK expresses gratitude toward Baa for petitioning God for Anuj entire evening. Baa says Anuj is even her kid. GK thanks entire family for their help.

Bapuji says he will have heaps of desserts today and lets Baa know that their child dealt with both Anu and Anuj sincerely and he is glad for their child. Baa says she is additionally glad that he said their child and not just hers. Back at emergency clinic, Vanraj visits with Anuj and leaves requesting that Anu express her adoration for Anuj and not sit tight for the perfect opportunity as this is the ideal opportunity and leaves. Anu illuminates Anuj that police got thugs and Samar got their mobiles back. Anuj says he should be looking interesting with unbraided hair. She adjusts his hair and recalls that him proposing and supporting her. He inquires as to whether she needs to say something, she can open up with him.

Vanraj gets back. Bapuji asks how is Anuj now. Vanraj says Anuj is fine now, he has a gathering at 9 a.m. also consequently returned o prepare, GK can visit Anuj. Bapuji says he will illuminate. Kinjal goes to get ready tea for Vanraj. Bapuji faculties Vanraj’s problem and inquires as to whether he needs to say something. Vanraj discloses what he said to Anu and says he told there is nothing out of sorts in continuing on and in case that way takes her to Anuj, he doesn’t have a clue how family will feel however offered his viewpoint decisively.

Bapuji sincerely embraces and says thanks to him and says its better for both him and Anu. Vanraj gets Malvika’s call. Baa catches their discussion and asks Bapuji what where they examining about Anu and Anuj. Bapuji figures Baa tries to avoid Anu and Anuj’s relationship, so he shouldn’t tell her anything. He says Vanraj said Anuj is fine and leaves. Back at emergency clinic, Anuj seeing Anu’s consideration and inquires as to whether he is kicking the bucket.

She cautions him to dare not say that. He says he saw it in films where specialist tells patient that he has just 2-3 months left. She reprimands him that this isn’t a film and nothing will happen to him. She is going to communicate her affections for him when sees him getting Malvika’s call and stops. He overlooks Malika’s call and asks Anu what was she saying.
Precap: Bapuji recommends Anu to move to Anuj’s home to deal with him. Anuj illuminates GK that Malvika had called, she is his greatest obligation.

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