Ajooni Written Episode Update 15th September 2022:

Ajooni Written Episode Update 15th September 2022 on serialtalk.com

Episode starts with Rajveer says thanks to Ajooni for pardoning Harman. Ajooni lets him know that she just made the best decision. He tells her that he have something to give her. He gives the ring which he purchased for their commitment. She requests that he put it on her finger. He grins hearing her. He puts the ring on her finger.

He puts a kiss on her finger. They are going to kiss and it ends up being his fantasy. He educates her concerning ring. He keeps it on the table and leaves from that point. She wears the ring. Harman sees everything. She lets Ajooni know that the last option plays well indeed. She says that Ajooni even deceived Ravinder.

She tells her that the last option attempting to break the family however she won’t allow her to accomplish her objective. Beeji requests that Cart not hydrate. Cart chastens her. Meher shouts seeing the dead cockroach. Cart picks the cockroach and she terrifies Meher. Meher slams into Bharat when he was shaving. He gets cut on his cheek.

Meher apologizes to him. Beeji chastens Meher. Bharat tells her that it was his mix-up and he heads inside. Cart lets herself know that it was her misstep yet honest Bharat assumed the fault on himself.

Ajooni lets Aman know that they ought to go to clinic for a test. That’s what she says in the event that Harvinder has issue, wrong will occur with Shikha as well. She persuades her to go to clinic. Meher is going to hydrate. In any case, her mom stops her colloquialism that she blended vinegar in that water bottle.

She says that she is happy Meher didn’t hydrate or probably the last option would have lost her voice. Meher understands that Cart hydrated from that jug. Cart grumbles about Ajooni’s family to her companion. Once more, she hydrates. Meher requests that she not drink yet the last option rejects. Cart begins hacking.

She can’t talk. Meher calls everybody. Ajooni’s mom sees the vacant water bottle. She inquires as to whether the last option didn’t stop Cart. Meher tells her that she halted Cart yet Cart didn’t listen her. Bharat discovers that Cart consumed vinegar. They takes Cart to emergency clinic.

Ajooni lets Aman know that she took Physical checkup. Harman asks them that where are they going. Ajooni misleads her that they are going to sanctuary. Harman tells her that God will not listen her request in light of the fact that Harvinder’s marriage will occur at any expense. Ajooni and Aman goes out.

In the emergency clinic, Cart says that seems as though she has go for a medical procedure. Bharat requests that she not say like that. Aman and Ajooni enters a similar clinic. Ajooni requests that Aman not get terrified. She says that all will be well. Aman tells her that they ought to return. Ajooni tells her that stepping through examination is important. Cart sees Ajooni and Aman. She ponders that what are they doing there.

Precap – Ajooni lets her family know that Aman can get pregnant. She advises Harvinder to step through an examination.

Also read: Ajooni Written Episode Update 14th September 2022

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