Aggar Tum Na Hote 17th January 2022 Written Update:

Episode begins with Gajendra gets staggered seeing Abhimanyu’s recommendation video. Anand asks him that what happened. Gajendra shows the video to him and wonders that who is Shagun. Anand instructs him that he certainly knows. Gajendra tells him that Niyati is their young lady in law and why the last choice didn’t stop Abhimanyu.

Anand tells him that Abhimanyu’s mind is delicate now so they can’t stop him or struggle with him. He enlightens him that Niyati in like manner knows about it and they are completely dealing with Abhimanyu’s motivation. He advices him to not confront Abhimanyu in light of the fact that Abhimanyu’s mind can’t manage more injury. Gajendra tells him that he can get this anyway it’s hard to make Ram and Sulochna grasp about it. Anand tells him that he will make them fathom and leaves the room.

Crush picks Anand’s call and asks him that for what substantial explanation the last choice didn’t enlighten him about Abhimanyu. Anand apologizes to him and tells him that Niyati needn’t bother with him to share anything about Abhimanyu and withdraws the call. He tells himself that it’s him who send that video to Ram so Ram takes Niyati with him. Crush tells Sulochna that they are going to Lucknow and this time he won’t return without Niyati.

Shagun tells someone that they should take advantage of Abhimanyu’s mental deterioration for her retaliation. Niyati tells Anand that she can’t contact Shayra. He tells her that Shayra send Abhimanyu’s report to him. She ends up being anxious for Shayra. He tells her that Shayra would have left for any journey. She enlightens him that Ram called her anyway she missed it. He exhorts her that he will talk with Ram.

Agar Tum Na Hote 11th January 2022 Written Update:

Niyati and Karan shows up where Shagun living. Shagun gets confused seeing Police with Niyati. Niyati edifies Shagun concerning Abhimanyu’s mental maladjustment. Shagun tells her that he looks customary so to speak. Niyati enlightens her about Abhimanyu’s mental degradation and moreover that she is his significant other. She reveals about adolescent marriage also. Shagun won’t confide in her and asks with respect to whether the last choice requirements Abhimanyu. Niyati tells her that he at this point has a spot with her and she is telling this so the last choice doesn’t get harmed.

Shagun will call Abhimanyu. Be that as it may, Karan gets the adaptable from her and encourages her to continue with her studies in Delhi. Niyati tells him that they are not here to think twice about. He tells her that he will manage in his direction. Shagun won’t as yet leave Police makes her exhibit the vehicle. Niyati tells Karan that this is misguided.

Driver stops the vehicle seeing Abhimanyu before him. Shagun yells Abhimanyu’s name. She tells him that Police and criminals sending her out of Lucknow and asks him that understandably Niyati doing thusly. Anand sees that and surveys that how he informed everything to Abhimanyu in different voice. Screens keeps Abhimanyu from taking Shagun with him. In that association she tumbles down and passes out. Anand comes there and treats Shagun.

Niyati tells Karan that envision a situation in which Abhimanyu get to know reality. He tells her that they can come up with a legitimization. Gajendra asks them that where they went. Karan stows away with respect to Shagun. Abhimanyu comes there with Shagun which shocks Niyati.

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